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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 无厘头英语 > 第九日:单词:真能“越背越过瘾”?

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/03/07 11:03  新浪教育


  “棒极了!只要你做了,不管是错误惨不忍睹,还是驴唇不对马嘴,你都是最棒的。——因为你做了!”/“Great! As long as you did, no matter how many mistakes you made, and how irrelevant they are, you are just great, because you have done it.”

  周笨驰:受宠若惊,乘胜追击:“你能奖励我‘一个吻’吗?”/“Will you award me with a kiss?”

  English美眉:故作风情:“‘一个蚊’,小意思啦”。/“A mosquito? No problem.”

  周笨驰:开玩笑,我说的‘一个吻’是指你要免费送给读者的《我的单词:越背越过瘾》电子文本。/ I’m kidding. What I mean by an award is the electronic book My Vocabulary: the More I memorize them, the More I Want to Do It which you give your readers free of charge..

  English美眉:给个免费的理由先。/Give me a reason for giving you free of charge.

  周笨驰:哈哈哈哈哈,俺在英语聊天室和“翠花美眉”的聊天纪录和俺独创的“泡妞十八法”出版了。为了百尺竿头,更聊一步,俺要“多背单词少泡妞,目的为了泡好妞”。/ Ha, ha, ha…My chatting recordings with Miss Cuihua in the English chatting room and my creative book Eighteen Ways of Going With Girls have been published. Insgroupsto achieve more accomplishments, I’m going to memorize more English words and spend less time with girls for the final purpose of getting better girls.

  English美眉:曾经有一本《我的单词:越背越过瘾》放在你的面前,你没有珍惜,等你失去的时候你才后悔莫及!/There was once the book My Vocabulary: the More I Memorize Them, the More I Want to Do It in front of you. But you didn’t cherish it. When you lost the chance, you began to regret.



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无厘头英语 专题



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