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http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/03/18 07:53  空中美语



  She’s back

  America’s skating princess, Michelle Kwan(关颖珊), has shown that she still has what it takes to be a champion. Although she no longer has a coach, Kwan won her sixth US Figure Skating Championship. She has let the world know she is ready for the Olympics.

  Near Miss by Asteroid

  A large asteroid sailed past the Earth on January 7, just missing the planet. The asteroid passed at less than twice the distance of the moon from our planet. Measuring between 220 and 490 meters across, the asteroid might have wiped out a middle-sized country if it had struck the Earth. Astronomers first spotted the asteroid last December, but said it did not pose a direct threat to the planet’s inhabitants.

  Euro GoessintosCirculation

  Europe’s new single currency wentsintoscirculation on January 1. Twelve of the European Union’s 15 member states have officially adopted euro coins and bills. National currencies were to be phased out by the end of February, after which the euro will be used for all transactions in the Euro-zone, as the 12 participating countries are collectively known.

  Penguins Starving in Antarctica

  The appearance of two large icebergs in the Ross Sea is threatening the lives of thousands of baby penguins in Antarctica. The icebergs have blocked access to the sea for large groups of penguins, and adult birds must travel much longer distances to reach food supplies. Many of the birds are unable to feed their young, and scientists say up to 20,000 baby penguins could die as a result.











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空中美语 专栏



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