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生活美语:At the Supermarket
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/03/19 12:42  空中美语

  Mother : Is there anything on the shopping list that we missed?

  Daughter : Let me check. Milk, eggs, cheese, crackers, ice cream, sugar bowl, pepper, salt, chicken, fish...We've got everything except soap powder, canned soup, and bread.

  Mother : Do you think we need some lettuce or carrots? They look fresh.

  Daughter : Why not? I love carrots.

  Mother : What kind of soup should we buy? Cream of chicken or cream of mushroom?

  Daughter : We can buy both. I also want clam chowder.

  Mother : One or two? I think one will be enough. No one is going to share it with you anyway.

  Daughter : I want two....Mom, the soap powder is on sale. Should we take one more?

  Mother : I'd love to, but this shopping cart is almost full and I don't think we can carry that much.

  Daughter : All right....Here is the bread.

  Mother : Take the plain ones. Two loaves.

  Daughter : Now we've got everything. Let's go to the checkout counter.

  Mother : There is a long line on the left. Let's go to the right checkout counter.

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空中美语 专栏


1. clam n.蛤蜊

2. checkout n.付款、付款处


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