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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 双鱼座:“鱼”星高照(1)

Pisces: Star Fish(1)
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/04/01 08:20  空中美语


  If your birthday is between February 19 and March 20, then you are a Pisces. Pisces is the most flexible of the star signs. Like water in a river, Pisces people can go with the flow.

  Pisces people pay attention to how they feel. They will often daydream and have trouble seeing what is really happening.

  Pisces know all, but they do not like to tell other people what they are thinking. Still, Pisces really care about other people. They make great doctors or teachers.

  Sentence Patten--句型练习

  Have trouble + V-ing (对于做……感到困难)

  例:They have trouble seeing what is happening.


  练习:He had trouble______his math homework.


  练习:The patient had trouble______food.


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空中美语 专栏


1.flow n.流水
We watched the flow of the water.

2.pay attention to v. phr.注意(pay paid paid)
You had better pay attention to the teacher.

3.daydream v.做白日梦
I sometimes daydream in math class.

4.happen v.发生
I do not know what happened to me.


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