描写文常与叙述文连用,而称之为描述文(Description and Narration)。人门总是对自己周边的人物或环境感到兴趣,特别是对人物的兴趣尤超过对事物。当我们叙述人物或事物时,必将我们视察所得来的细节说出来,这种说出来的方法不是叙述便是描绘。人们喜欢加以述说,这种述说的方式在写作上就靠作者运用文字,藉文字来描写人物或事物便称之为描述文。而描述的内容在日常生活中俯拾皆比的是,例如说,阳光的强弱,水的冷暖,东西摸在手里的感觉,飞机飞过头顶时的尖锐声音所舍人难受的感觉或印象,都是日常生活的经验中所可以得到的描述题材。
描写可以分成两种:一种叫客观描写(objective description),一种叫主观描写(subjective description)。
客观描写有时又称physical description或scientific description它是将对象的外型冷静、客观地记录下来,要求准确、清楚,不含任何情感成份或主观成份在内。
主观描写又称imaginative description或impressionistic description。它和主观描写不同,并不太注意外在细节的准确,而要求表达一种气氛,一种情绪。因此它是主观的、抽象的。
(1)主要印象(Dominant impression)应加强说明或描绘。
(2)具体的细节(Concrete details)要写得生动明快。
(3)合理发展(Logical development)是指观点(Point of View)与描写程序的合理性而言。
合理发展里最重要的还是观点问题,因为它决定整篇描写的顺序。观点分两种:一个是外在的观点(physical point of view),一个是内在的观点(mental point of view)。
<范文> My Schoolhouse
My first glimpse(1) of the White Star School in its weed-grown(2) and treeless yard facing north On the south side of a shallow basin is an indelible(3) memory. The building was alone on the prairie(4), a little gray, white-trimmed(5) peaked-roof(6) schoolhouse with two windows on the east and two on the west, fronted by an enclosed entry(7) with a shed roof(8).A white star was painted on the gable(9) of the building; a short flagpole(10) was fastened above that to the ridgepole(11). Back of this were two other buildings, an open shed for children to tie their horses in if they rode to school, and the coal house with the boys' toilet on one end and the girls' on the other. In the yard was the pump(12).
The inside of the schoolhouse was calcimined(13) a pale blue with a whitish ceiling. The floor was a worn gray. Desks and seats were scattered(14) about, the kind that are usually screwed(15) to the floor, with iron grill(16) work on the sides and legs. There was a small teacher's desk, an old round coal stove in the middle of the floor with a pipe going up then back to the chimney(17) at the south end, a water cooler on a stand, a large wooden cupboardswheresbooks and supplies(18) were kept, a glove hanging from one corner of the ceiling on a pulley, a map case. There was a blackboard across the front of the room, a kerosene(19) lamp in a bracket(20) on the wall, no blinds(21) at the windows, a picture of Lincoln and another of Washington on the back wall. A dusty American flag was fastened above the blackboard. There was also the flagpole outside, a prow(22) on the front gable. There was a windup phonograph(23) with six records, an organ(24) rendition(25) of "Always", the "William Tell Overture", a record to teach the identification(26) of various instruments(27), and three lesser numbers. The school smelled of stale(28), locked-in(29) air, as distinctive(30) an oder(31) as that of a beer parlor(32).
The school and its yard were haunted(33) with echoes(34) from a quarter century's children, their pulses(35) and shapeless(36) dreams. It was worn, tragic(37), a country school on the first day following a summer's glad forgetfulness by its young. It had been patient and deserted then but for rare derisive(38) forays(39) made by passing youngsters all through the heat of June, July and August. The building stood there. It did not sit. It stood as the wooden weapon against ignorance(40) and defeat(41), the house of community hope and of the future. It stood alone on the high upland prairie, braving cold and heat, a land ship on a motionless voyage of discovery into human possibility. It was wholly inspiring(42). Only in separated views was it de-pressing(43). At nineteen, scared(44) as I was, I felt how, above all, upright(45) it was. I was at last a teacher housed in my own school.
本文为华格纳(Vern Wagner)所作,就描述地方而言是此类文章最佳范例之一。第一段写外观,第二段写内部情形,第三段写感想。
(1)glimpse:一瞥 (24)organ:风琴
(2)weed-grown:杂草丛生 (25)rendition:此处为奏鸣曲
(3)indelible:难忘的 (26)identification:辨认
(4)prairie:大草原 (27)instruments:乐器
(6)peaked-roof:尖顶(屋) (29)Lcked-in:封闭的
(7)entry:入口 (30)distinctive:特别刺鼻的
(8)shed roof:棚盖 (31)oder:气味
(9)gable:三角形墙面 (32)beer parlor:啤酒吧
(10)flagpole:旗竿 (33)haunted:常至;常访;常有
(11)ridgepole:边椽木 (34)echoes:回声;回响
(12)pump:水帮浦 (35)pulses:脉搏
(13)calcimine:粉刷 (36)shapeless:无形的
(14)scatter:散置 (37)tragic:悲剧的
(15)screwed:用螺丝钉钉住 (38)derisive:可笑的
(16)grill:架子 (39)forays:蹂躏
(17)chimney:烟囱 (40)ignorance:无知
(18)supplies:日常用品 (41)defeat:败北
(19)kerosene:煤气灯 (42)inspiring:有启导性的
(20)bracket:托架 (43)depressing:不景气的:颓丧的
(21)blinds:窗帘 (44)scared:惊异
(22)prow:船首形状物 (45)upright:正直