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Welcome Back, “Oscar”!(1)
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/04/03 08:56  空中美语



  Get ready all you movie fans! The 74th annual Academy Awards, also known as the Oscars, will be coming soon to a television near you. On March 24, 2002, movie stars and fans will be waiting gin suspense to see who will take home the evening’s favorite man,“Oscar”.

  We have known who the lucky nominees are since they were announced on February 12. Now everyone, from the movie critic to the average movie-goer, can participate in Oscar fever by trying to predict who the winners might be.

  The Academy Awards celebrate the best and brightest talents in the movie industry. It is a night when people in all areas of filmmaking are rewarded for their hard work and creativity. With the combination of glamour, fame and live television, it is no wonder the night provides such great entertainment.

  More Information:


  1.Academy Awards n.奥斯卡金像奖,由电影艺术与科学学院(Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science)颁发的电影奖。

  2.critic n.评论家

  3.filmmaking n.电影摄制

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空中美语 专栏


1.in suspense
mental uncertainty 紧张状态
We waited in suspense to hear the end of the ghost story.

2.nominee n.
someone who has been nominated 被提名的人
Dan was a nominee for city mayor. But he lost the election.

3.participate v.
to take part or share in sth. 参与
We must all participate in making the world a better place.

4.industry n.
a distinct group of commercial organizations 产业;行业
Madonna is one of the most successful woman in the music industry.

5.glamour n.
an exciting attractiveness, often very unrealistic 魅力
At a Hollywood party, you can see the glamour of movie stars up close.

6.live adj.
(of broadcasting) seen and/or heard as it happens 现场的
The basketball game wasn’t recorded; it was live.


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