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连载二十一:英语“红绣球” 正打在我的头(上)
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/04/10 13:39  新浪教育


  Zhou Benchi realized from his contact with Master Lonely Nine Swords that“boring but serious English”was just a“love ball”cast to him from Miss English. Special love has been given to special him. So his passion for the boring but serious English flowed like the Yellow River. He memorized a long journalistic article all at time.


  The Birth of China’s First“Interacting Book”


  In a few days the first“interacting book”in China will be published jointly by Popular Culture & Arts Publishing House, www.sina.com and Wulitou Studio.


  The interacting book named Dahua English Chatroom, for the first time in China, combines three forms of books into one: the traditional publishing (the paper books), Internet publishing (Internet books) and file publishing (file books). It will give our readers a big surprise.

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无厘头英语 专题



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