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连载二十二:英语“红绣球” 正打在我的头(下)
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/04/11 13:25  新浪教育


  Traditional publishing: Dahua English Chatroom will be published by Popular Culture & Arts Publishing House in paper books with illustrations and pictures.


  Internet publishing: Before the paper book is published, www.sina.com has already released its selected version of Dahua English Chatroom on the net for Internet lovers to read free of charge. Some institute will soon be releasing an Internet book of the complete version of Dahua English Chatroom. In content the Internet book will be the same with the paper book. But they are very different in reading method and purchasing cost. A paper book is handy to read, whereas an Internet book can only be read on a computer. Also, a paper book costs more in production, thus more expensive, while an Internet book has low cost, thus low price, which is only one-tenth of a paper book.


  File publishing: Both paper books and Internet books can only be read but not copied. Readers are not able to get the version and edit it freely, thus turn the book into one’s own. The authors of Dahua English Chatroom, for the first time, published a file version. It can be used by the reader as“individual learning material.”The writers will offer each paper book reader or Internet reader a free copy of a supplementary book“My Vocabulary: The More I Memorize them, The More I Like To Do It”in electronic file version.

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