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Cherry Blossom Time(1)
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/04/16 09:24  空中美语



  For more than a thousand years, people in Japan have celebrated the flowering cherry blossom, or sakura. The sakura is important to Japan as a national symbol. The Japanese proudly use the image of the sakura to decorate3 clothing, cups, and dishes.

  Every April, the Japanese celebrate the Sakura Matsuki, or Cherry Blossom Festival. During this time, people are inspired to stop their work, close their shops, and take time to enjoy the beauty of the pink and white cherry blossoms. It is a time for family and friends to sit under sakura trees to picnic, sing songs, and drink rice wine.

  People must hurry to enjoy the sakura, as the blossoms are soon blown off the trees by spring winds. When the sakura fall, the ground is covered by a carpet of pink and white petals.




  每年4月,日本人庆祝樱花祭(Sakura Matsuki)。在此期间,人们兴高采烈地停下他们的工作,关上店铺,花时间去欣赏粉红和洁白的樱花的美丽。这是同家人及朋友一起坐在樱花树下野餐、唱歌以及喝米酒的时节。



  more than . . .“……以上”,例如:More than a hundred people went to the party.100多人参加了那个晚会。


  4月的日本,真是美极了(by April, Japan is at the height of its beauty)。因为此时正值樱花盛开的时节(cherry blossoms are in full bloom),日本将之称为“樱花祭”(Cherry Blossom Festival)。许多日本人全家出动去赏樱(to admire and enjoy the beauty of the cherry blossoms)。再加上来自世界各地的游客(tourists coming from all over the world),各地赏樱地点,如京都(Kyoto)和大阪(Osaka),更显得热闹非凡。


  Japanese (日本人)做名词时,单数和复数同形。例如:一个日本人(a Japanese),两个日本人(two Japanese)。加上定冠词the,则泛指所有的日本人(the Japanese),其后要接复数动词。例如:Every April, the Japanese celebrate Cherry Blossom Festival.每年4月,日本人庆祝樱花祭。



  I have a _______ _______; he is a _________.


  _________ _________ are _________ for their love of nature.


  Fill in each blank with the right vocabulary word as you listen to the dialogue.

  Eddie: Why are you painting a cherry __(1)__?

  Janet: I got __(2)__ yesterday at the museum. There were many __(3)__ of flowers there.

  Eddie: Did you know that you can use flower __(4)__ to make tea?

  Janet: Yes. I also like to use them to __(5)__ my room.

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空中美语 专栏


1.blossom n.
the flower that appears on a tree before the fruit花,花丛
Look at all the pretty blossoms on that tree.

2.image n.
a picture of someone or something形象
Mike likes looking at his image in the mirror.

3. decorate v.
to make something look better by adding things to it装饰
Rachel is going to help me decorate the Christmas tree.

4. inspire v.
to be caused to do somethings使鼓舞
Music really inspires me to work harder.

5. petal n.
the thin, colored parts of a flower花瓣
The petals on this flower are an interesting shape.
这朵花的花瓣形状很有趣。Cherry Blossom Time (1)落英缤纷赏樱去(1)


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