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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 每月一问:早起的虫儿被鸟吃?

Question of the Month: Why Stay in Bed?
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/04/23 08:29  空中美语




  Some people are night owls; some are early birds. You probably know which one you are, but did you know that there may be a biological reason why some people are out of bed at dawn while others prefer to burn the midnight oil?

  One German scientist believes that people’s internal body clocks are set by their genes, and cannot be changed. That means some people will reach their mental and physical peak later in the day than others. If they are forced to work against their natural inner clock, they are unlikely to be able to do their best. This could even lead to health problems for them.

  The scientist says society should accept the fact that these two fundamentally different types of humans exist. He thinks that people who need to stay in bed longer in the morning should not be accused of laziness because of their genetic disposition.






  1. night owl n.熬夜的人

  2. body clock n.生物钟

  How About You


  1.swheresdoes the scientist come from?

  2. What might occur if people have to work against their inner clock?

  3. What are people who stay in bed late often accused of?


  4. What are“night owls”?

  5. What does the German scientist believe about people’s internal body clocks?

  6. What should society accept, according to the scientist?


  1. Germany.

  2. Health problems.

  3. Laziness.

  4. Night owls are people who go to bed late and prefer to get up late.

  5. They are set by their genes and cannot be changed.

  6. Society should accept the existence of two fundamentally different types of humans.

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空中美语 专栏


1. at dawn
the time when the sun comes up and daylight begins破晓,黎明
My parents get up at dawn on Sundays and go for a walk.

2. burn the midnight oil
idiom: to stay up late at night to do work, esp. school work工作到深夜,开夜车,挑灯夜战
I had to burn the midnight oil to finish my report.

3. peak n.
the highest level or greatest degree巅峰
Traffic reaches a peak between 6 and 7 in the evening.

4. fundamentally adv.
basically; in every way that is important or basic根本地
Chinese and English writing are fundamentally different.

5. accuse v.
to say that sb. is guilty of doing sth. wrong or bad控告;指责
The teacher accused me of cheating on the test.

6. disposition n.
a person’s character or nature性情;脾气
My roommate has a sunny disposition because she is happy all the time.


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