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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 古罗马《民法大全》节选

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/04/24 10:00  《英语学习》

  ■孙有中 选译

  * Anyone who is absent should not be convicted of crime. Likewise, no one should be convicted on suspicion; ... "It is better to permit the crime of a guilty person to go unpunished than condemn one who is innocent."

  * No one suffers a penalty for merely thinking.

  * Proof is incumbent upon the party who affirms a fact, not upon him who denies it.

  * In inflicting penalties, the age and inexperience of the guilty party must always be taken into account.

  * Nothing is so opposed to consent, which is the basis of bona fide contracts, as force and fear; and to approve anything of this kind is contrary to good morals.

  * The crime or the punishment of a father can place no stigma upon his son; for each one is subjected to fate in accordance with his conduct, and no one is appointed the successor of the crime of another.

  * Women are excluded from all civil or public employments; therefore they cannot be judges, or perform the duties of magistrates, or bring suits in court, or become sureties for others, or act as attorneys. A minor, also, must abstain from all civil employments.

  * Every person should support his own offspring, and anyone who thinks that he can abandon his child shall be subjected to the penalty prescribed by law. We do not give any right to masters or to patrons to recover children who have been abandoned, when children exposed by them, as it were, to death, have been rescued through motives of pity, for no one can say that a child whom he has left to perish belongs to him.

  * The authority and observance of long-established custom should not be treated with contempt, but it should not prevail to the extent of overcoming either reason or law.

  * Torture is employed in the detection of crime, but a beginning should not be made with its application; and, therefore, in the first place, evidence should be resorted to, and if the party is liable to suspicion, he shall be compelled by torture to reveal his accomplices and crimes.

  *swheresseveral culprits are implicated in the same offence, they should be examined in such a way as to begin with the one who appears to be more timid than the others, and of tender age.

  * Torture should not be inflicted upon a minor under fourteen years of age....

  * All persons, however, without exception, shall be tortured in a case of high treason which has reference to princes, if their testimony is necessary, and circumstances demand it.

  * Torture should not be applied to the extent that the accuser demands, but as reason and moderation may dictate.

  * In questionsswheresfreedom is involved it is not necessary to seek for the truth by the torture of those whose status is in dispute.

















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《英语学习》2002年3期 专题



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