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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 效率写作:发展段--文章的重心

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/05/20 07:20  空中美语




  Development Paragraphs

  (1) Narration: in time or spatial order




  Everyone knows it is wrong to lie, but often it is just so easy! Whether it is a big lie when you have been caught in the wrong, or a“little white lie”to spare someone’s feelings, the temptation is often strong. The question is, should you ever give in?

  _____Megan bought a pen, but Sue didn’t buy anything; nevertheless, when they arrived in class, Sue had a new notebook.

  _____Megan went to bed miserable, in trouble for something she did not do, and for her lie.

  _____Once, a girl named Megan was faced with this question.

  _____Not knowing what to do, Megan said she did not know.

  _____Monday morning she went shopping with her friend Sue.

  _____Unfortunately, the storekeeper noticed the missing notebook and called the school principal, who later took Megan aside to ask what had happened.

  _____That evening, her mother was upset because Sue’s mother had called about the stolen notebook, and said Megan had lied, too.


  One of the most important things in life is living in a pleasant environment. A nice neighborhood can have a positive influence on the happiness and well-being of its residents. I consider myself very fortunate in this respect, as my neighborhood is a particularly good place to live.

  _____All the houses along both sides of the street are old and beautifully designed, and none of them are more than three stories high.

  _____At one end of the street is the entrance to one of the largest parks in the city, while at the other end, the street joins a larger road on which can be found various shops, a bank, a post office, and a couple of nice restaurants.

  _____I live on a quiet street in a leafy suburban setting.

  _____They all have large driveways and gardens at the front and rear, separated from each other by pretty wooden fences or trees and bushes.












  答案:3 7 1 5 2 4 6








  答案:2 4 1 3

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空中美语 专栏



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