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What Does a Credit Card Bring Us?
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/05/21 07:18  《英语学习》

  By Eillton Henley

  付美榕 选译


  "Charge<注1> it!" If those two words sound familiar, it is no wonder.Over 75 million Americans use credit cards to pay for everything from tickets on American Airlines to AAA<注2> car rental. And the number of cardholders increases every month. In fact, most Americans receive at least two or three credit card applications in the mail every month. Why have credit cards become so popular?

  For a merchant, the answer is obvious. By depositing charge slips in a bank or other financial institutions, the merchant can convert credit card sales into cash. In return for processing the merchant's credit card transactions, the bank charges a fee that ranges between 1.5 and 5 percent. Typically, small, independent businesses pay more than large stores or chain stores. Let's assume that you use a Visa credit card<注3> to purchase a microwave oven for from Richardson Appliance, a small retailer in Texas. At the end of the day, the retailer deposits your charge slip, along with other charge slips, checks, and currency collected during the day, at its bank. If the bank charges Richardson Appliance <注5> percent to process each credit card transaction, the bank deducts a processing fee of (×.05=) for your credit card transaction and immediately deposits the remainder () in Richardson Appliance's account. Actual bank fees are determined by the volume of credit card transactions, total dollar amount of credit sales, and how well the merchant can negotiate.

  For the consumer, credit cards permit the purchase of goods and services even when the funds are low. Today most major credit cards are issued by banks or other financial institutions in cooperation with Visa International or MasterCard International. The unique feature of bank credit cards is that they extend a line of credit<注4> to the cardholder, much as a bank's consumer loan department does. Thus credit cards provide immediate access to short-term credit for the cardholder, who instructs the bank to pay the merchant immediately and reimburses the bank later. Of course, the ability to obtain merchandise immediately and pay for it later can lead to credit card misuse. Today the average American cardholder has a credit card balance in excess of ,00. And with typical financial charges ranging from 1 percent to 1.5 percent a month, you can end up paying large finance charges. For example, if you carry a ,000 balance on your credit card and your credit card company charges 1.5 percent a month, your monthly finance charge will be (,000×.015 = ). And the monthly finance charges continue until you manage to pay off your credit card debt.

  The easiest way to establish credit is to open checking and savings accounts at your local bank. Then apply for a gasoline or store credit card. These cards are fairly easy to get because retailers want you to buy their goods and services. The third step, and the most dangerous one, is obtaining a major credit card like Visa, MasterCard, or American Express.5

  It is important to choose a credit card carefully because terms and conditions vary widely. Annual fees range from to a year, but some credit card companies charge no annual fee at all. If you will be one of the growing number of people who don't pay off their credit card transactions in full each month, look for the card with the lowest interest rate. Interest rates generally range from 12 to 18 percent, though it is possible to find cards with lower rates.

  A credit card can be your friend because it can get you through unexpected emergencies. And if there is a problem with the products or service you purchase with your credit card, you have an opportunity to withhold payment by asking the credit card company to "charge back" to the retailer until the dispute is settled. Monthly credit card statements can also help you keep your records in order. Finally, if you make payments on time, the card helps you to establish a good credit history.

  A credit card can be your enemy because it is an invitation to purchase items you really do not need. The credit card companies' continuous offers of low minimum payments, cash advances, and even months without payments may seem like a way to skate through a money crunch. In reality, your finance charges and fees only increase, and you go deeper into debt.

  If you do find yourself in trouble, do not ignore the bills. Contact your creditors to explain your problem and express your desire to pay down<注6> your card balance. If that fails, a nonprofit organization like Consumer Credit Counseling Service can assist you in getting back on your financial feet.

  Protect your credit card number and your credit history. Never give your card number and expiration date to someone you did not contact first. Never write your credit card number on a personal check. Do not answer every preapproved credit card letter you receive (two or three cards are all you should need). Finally, photocopy your card, and if it is stolen, notify the credit card company immediately. -



  对商家来说,答案显而易见。把收款存条给银行或其它金融机构,商家可以把用信用卡支付的销售收入转成现款;而通过为商家办理信用卡付款交易的业务,银行赚取1.5%至5%的费用。通常独立经营的小商店比大商场或连锁店交纳的费用高。让我们假设你使用维萨卡(Visa credit)从得克萨斯的一家零售店Richardson电器商店以400美元购买了一台微波炉。该零售商一天下来把你的交款条连同当天收来的其他交款条、支票及现金一并存放到指定的银行。如果银行对每一笔信用卡交易向Richardson电器商店收取5%的费用,银行就从此笔信用卡交易额中扣除20美元(×.05=)的手续费,然后立即把余款(380美元)存到Richardson电器商店的帐户上。实际的银行手续费取决于信用卡交易量、赊帐销售总额以及商家(与银行)的讨价还价能力。

  对消费者来说,信用卡使他们甚至在资金不足的情况下仍可以购买商品及支付服务。目前最主要的信用卡是由银行或其他金融机构与Visa国际信用卡公司或Master Card国际信用卡公司共同发行的。银行信用卡的独特之处在于银行向持卡人提供的信贷限额相当于银行消费贷款。因此信用卡使持卡人可以立即获得短期贷款,由持卡人通知银行向商家付款,以后再把这笔款偿还给银行。当然,先得商品后付帐的好处会导致人们滥用信用卡。今天大多数美国持卡者卡上的余额超过2美元。由于通常融资费率为每月1% -1.5%不等,所以最后你可能得交纳一大笔费用。比如说,如果你的信用卡上有2,000美元结存额,而信用卡公司每月收取1.5%的融资费,那么你每月须付费30美元(,000×.015 = )。而每月的融资费会不断收下去直到你能够付清信用卡欠款为止。







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《英语学习》2002年4期 专题


1. charge:记账、赊账。在美国购物与其他消费付账时,通常收款员要问顾客:Charge or cash? (用信用卡还是付现金?)而现金支付通常也包括用借记卡(debit card)结帐。

2. AAA (American Automobile Association):美国汽车协会的缩写。该协会为会员提供优惠租车、救援等服务。

3. Visa Card:维萨卡,指美国旧金山国际信用卡公司发行的信用卡。

4. line of credit:信贷限额,融通额度(银行对特定客户,预先按某种借款条件,无须另加申请就答应给予融通资金的限度)。

5. Master Card:万事达信用卡,万能信用卡,万用卡(原名为Master Charge)。American Express:即American Express Card,运通(信用卡),指由美国运通公司发行的两种信用卡:金卡和绿卡。

6. pay down:先支付部分贷款。


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