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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 读书篇:《谁动了我的奶酪?》(1)

Who Moved My Cheese? I
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/07/10 09:52  空中美语



  The ability to change with the times is the key to being successful in the fast-paced world of the 21st century. Life, after all, is about change. But why, for so many of us, is change so difficult to deal with?

  Enter Dr. Spencer Johnson. Many years ago, Johnson faced a major upheaval1 in his life. He initially responded to it by becoming angry and confused. But finally he realized that, insgroupsto deal with the change, he himself had to change. Johnson made up the story of“Who Moved My Cheese?”to get himself to laugh at his follies2 and fears.

  “Who Moved My Cheese?”deals with four characters who live in a maze, like labratory mice. And, like hapless mice, they look for the thing that makes them happy---cheese. In the book, cheese is a metaphor3 for the things we want in life; the maze isswhereswe look for those things. When the cheese is moved, each character is forced to deal with the change. Eventually, all four of them realize that they can triumph4 in changing times.

  The book was first published in 1998. Since then, many people have said it has helped them deal with change and make improvements in their lives. Although the book only takes about an hour to read, the lessons drawn from it can last a lifetime.







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空中美语 专栏


1. upheaval n.大变动

2. folly n.愚蠢

3. metaphor n.暗喻

4. triumph v.胜利


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