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To Tell the Truth
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/07/24 10:30  《英语学习》

  By charles Hughes 木易 选注

  安然案在美国闹得沸沸扬扬,倍受大众关注;而挺身而出直言真相的就是这位两岁孩子的母亲Sherron Watkins。

  On August 14 Sherron Watkins sat down at her computer and began typing a scathing<注1>—and now famous—memo to her boss. "I am incredibly nervous that we will implode in a wave of accounting scandals,"she wrote in the missive to Enron chairman Kenneth Lay.<注2> Worried about the wisdom of such blunt talk, the 42-year-old vice president for corporate development sought out colleagues and got mixed advice on whether she should send the note.<注3>

  Watkins did send the note, and the seven-page memo has become a smoking gun in the unfolding investigation of alleged financial chicanery at Enron and its accounting firm, Arthur Andersen.<注4> On December 2 the formerly high-flying Houston corporation became the largest company in U.S. history to file for bankruptcy.<注5> Watkins' memo, made public on January 14 by congressional leaders who found it buried in 40 boxes of subpoenaed documents, had proven prescient.<注6> Now, more than a dozen federal agencies and Capitol Hill committees are probing the mushrooming morass<注7>—the latest news being that Enron and Andersen employees continued to shred documents even after it was clear that Congress was opening what could become a criminal investigation.

  More important to hundreds of employees who saw their retirement packages collapse with the failing stock price, Watkins' memo was also key evidence that Lay and other Enron execs knew about the company' precarious finances well before they alerted the staff or the public. "She' one of the few ethical bright spots," <注8>says Barbara Shook, a Houston energy-industry analyst, of Watkins.

  Watkins, who lives in Houston with husbank Rick, 51, an executive for a Canadian oil and gas firm, and their daughter Marion, 2, doesn't regret sending the memo. "The die was already cast,"she says, "My take on it changed nothing." <注9> Life at Enron, where she is still employed, has been "extremely painful, as it is for everybody, with the company under fire,"she adds. Watkins has been subpoenaed to testify before the Securities and Exchange Commission,<注10> and more subpoenas are likely.

  In and out of the office, Watkins has left a variety of impressions—some good and some bad, but all forceful. Friends say they value her sometimes rough honesty: She once told her sister Julie that a picture frame Julie had given her was "the tackiest<注11> thing I've ever seen."Co-workers see her as hard-driving, with one Enron employee likening her to "a bull in a china shop." <注12> Her former secretary Wilma Williams disagrees. "Sherron wasn't abrasive; <注13> she just expected people to do their job,"Williams recalls.

  Her frankness and salty language even had some co-workers buzzing that she was a New Yorker. <注14> In fact, Watkins was raised in the Houston suburb of Tomball, Texas. (Singer Lyle Lovett is her second cousin.) Her mother, a retired accounting teacher divorced from her daughters"attorney father, encouraged Sherron to go into accounting, because she thought it was an area in which women could be accepted on an equal basis.Watkins earned bachelor' and master' degrees at the University of Texas. "She was brilliant," says friend Anne Benolken. "You know the way girls in college often act more stupid than they are or try not to make waves? Not Sherron, she'd always stir the pot." <注15>

  Watkins began her career as an auditor<注16> for Arthur Andersen. She then moved to a firm in New York City, MG Trade Finance Group, before returning to Houston to work for up-and-coming energy wholesaler<注17> Enron in 1993. In 1997 she wed Rick, whom she had met at Houston' First Presbyterian Church.

  By last summer Watkins had come to suspect that Enron, which Fortune ranked as the seventh-largest company in the U.S. last year, was a house of cards.<注18> When Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling resigned in August, Chairman Lay invited employees to forward any concerns to him. <注19> Watkins sent him the first page of her memo detailing her uneasiness about "funny" accounting to hide company losses. "Has Enron become a risky place to work?" she asked.

  On August 22 Watkins met with Lay, who told the company' law firm to look into the matter. The firm reported in October that the practices might make the company look bad but did not appear to be illegal. But Watkins' fears rapidly came to pass. Since December, Enron has fired more than 4,000 employees, and thousands of others have lost much of their life savings. Watkins was fortunate in having sold some stock in 1999 to buy her house.

  Watkins doesn't relish the prospect of playing a pivotal and highly visible role in the ongoing investigation. <注20> "The only good thing that might come out of all this,"she says, "is there may be certain reforms so that there won't be another Enron."

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《英语学习》2002年6期 专题


1. scathing:尖锐的,严厉的。

2.她给安然公司董事长Kenneth Lay的这封信函中写道:“我极度不安,觉得公司内部会爆发一系列的会计结算丑闻。implode:内爆,向心聚爆;missive:信件,公函。


4.对安然和其会计师事务所安达信被控犯有财务诈骗罪的调查正在展开,这封长达7页的备忘录已成了有力证据。smoking gun:(尤指犯罪的)确凿证据;alleged:被指控的;chicanery


5. 12月2日,这家一度很成功的休斯敦公司成了美国有史以来申请破产的最大公司。high-flying:达到很高程度的;bankruptcy:破产。


subpoena/s2b#pi:n2/: (发传票)命令交出;prescient:有先见之明的。

7.现在,十多个联邦机构和国会委员会正在调查这个不断扩大的一团乱麻。Capitol Hill: (美国国会所在地)国会山,常喻指(美国)国会;morass:乱糟糟的一堆。

8.她是为数不多的讲究职业道德的典范。ethical:合乎职业道德规范的;bright spot:亮点。

9.“事情早已成定局,”她说,“我的努力没有改变结局。”The die is cast:木已成舟;take: <俚>尝试,努力。


11.tacky: (美口)俗艳的,趣味低下的。

12.有一个安然公司职员把她比作“瓷器店里的一头公牛”(指她说话行动鲁莽)。liken...to ...:把……比作。



15.stir the pot:这里的意思是"她总是会兴风作浪”。

16. auditor:审计员。


18.a house of cards:意思是“外表看上去很好,但实质很脆弱”。




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