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To burn the candle at both ends
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/07/30 13:25  世博英语


  To burn the candle at both ends

  Definition: to get little sleep or rest because of working too hard


  一根蜡烛两头点,肯定很快就会用完,这个惯用语是说拼命工作,很少休息,过分消耗体力,常常用于进行时。相信很多人在考试前都有蜡烛两头点的经历吧,e.g. Lucy had been burning the candle at both ends studying for her exams and made herself ill.在工作中也不乏关于此的例句,Ever since this new project started I have been burning the candle at both ends. I can't take much more of it.显然过分消耗体力并不是健康的生活方式,大家工作的时候,一定要劳逸结合啊,否则如例句说的,你也会受不了的。

  Example dialog:

  A: Are you still working day and night?


  B:Not anymore. Now I work nine hours a day, and I get a good sleep almost every night. No more burning the candle at both ends.


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360全角英语 专题



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