语音讲解: (点击右键“另存为”可下载语音)
Gloom and sadness are poisons to the soul.
Gloom, a feeling of deep sadness,忧愁;阴郁。The news of defeat filled them with gloom.失败的消息使他们心里充满忧郁。它的形容词形式gloomy,表示忧郁的;暗淡的。Our future seems gloomy.看来我们的前途暗淡。
Sadness,是形容词sad的名词形式,表示悲哀;悲伤。Their baby's death aroused great sadness in them.孩子的死令他们悲痛欲绝。
Poison, a substance that harms or kills if a living animal or plant takes it in,毒药;毒物。He tried to kill himself by taking poison.他企图服毒自杀。
Soul,心灵;灵魂。有一套挺有名的外国文集叫做《心灵鸡汤》,就是Chicken soup for the soul.