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Interlocutor's Wording
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/07/31 15:57  新浪教育

  The First National Oral English Competition for Chinese Youth


  Interlocutor's Wording 口试用语参考

  Ⅰ.Juvenile A少年A组

  Part 1. Self-presentation (To be completed in 2 minutes)


  The interlocutor can start with questions such as (口试员可参考选择以下用语开始):

  Hello! Good morning [afternoon]!

  Are you ready?

  Shall we begin now?

  What are you going to present [play], please?

  What are you going to talk to me about?

  What do you want to say [present]?

  Are you going to present [play] a story, a song, or something else?

  What's the title [topic] of it?

  After the presentation, the interlocutor asks 2 or 3 simple general questions and then says to the contestant (陈述或表演结束后,口试员提问2-3个一般性的简答题,然后向参赛者说):

  Thank you. Now let's go on with the next part [Part 2].

  Part 2. Responses to Questions (Approximately 2 minutes in all)


  The contestant has NO time to prepare before starting to answer the questions (在回答问题前将不给予参赛者准备的时间).

  The interlocutor hands over card (1) to the contestant and asks him/her some of the following questions on the picture (口试员交给参赛者一张卡片,并就图片的内容向他/她提问,实例如下):

  What can you see in the picture?

  Is the room large or small?

  How many tables are there in the room?

  What are there on the small table?

  What is under the small table?

  Would you say something about the dog?

  What are there on the big table?

  What is under the big table?

  What is the cat doing?

  Is there a chair in the room?swheresis it?

  Is the door open or closed? What about the window?

  Would you name the other things in the room?

  Then the interlocutor retrieves the card and asks the contestant some of the following questions as appropriate to develop the ideas on the picture (然后口试员收回卡片,并向参赛者提出类似下列的问题,以适当地扩展图片上的意思):

  Do you like to stay at home? Why [Why not]?

  Do you have your own room?

  Is your room large or small?

  Do you do any housework at home?

  What housework do you do at home?

  Do you often talk with your parents?

  What do you talk about with your parents?

  Do you watch TV in the evening?

  When do you go to bed at night?

  Finally, the interlocutor can indicate the completion by saying (最后,口试员可以用话语表示结束):

  Thank you for your performance.

  Ⅱ.Juvenile B少年B组

  Part 1. Self-presentation (To be completed in 2 minutes)


  The interlocutor can start with questions such as (口试员可参考选择以下用语开始):

  Hello! Good morning [afternoon]!

  Are you ready?

  Shall we begin now?

  What are you going to present [play], please?

  What are you going to talk to me about?

  What do you want to say [present]?

  Are you going to present [play] a story, a song, or something else?

  What's the title [topic] of it?

  After the presentation, the interlocutor asks 2 or 3 simple general questions and then says to the contestant (陈述或表演结束后,口试员提问2-3个一般性的简答题,然后向参赛者说):

  Thank you. Now let's go on with the next part [Part 2].

  Part 2. Responses to Questions (Approximately 2 minutes in all)


  The contestant has NO time to prepare before starting to answer the questions (在回答问题前将不给予参赛者准备的时间).

  The interlocutor hands over card (1) to the contestant and asks him/her some of the following questions on the picture (口试员交给参赛者一张卡片,并就图片的内容向他/她提问,实例如下):

  How many people are there in the picture?

  Are theyshavingsa party? What kind of party are they having?

  Would you say something about the birthday cake?

  Are all of the people standing?

  Look at the three persons who are standing. What are they doing?

  Look at the man who is sitting in the chair. Does he look happy?

  Which person do you like best? Why?

  Where is the party?

  Then the interlocutor retrieves the card and asks the contestant some of the following questions as appropriate to develop the ideas on the picture (然后口试员收回卡片,并向参赛者提出类似下列的问题,以适当地扩展图片上的意思):

  When is your birthday?

  What do your parents do for your birthday?

  Do you like birthday party?

  What do people do at birthday parties?

  Are you going to have a party for your birthday next year?

  Do you know when your mother's birthday is?

  Did you send gifts to your mother for her birthday?

  What gifts did you send your mother? What did she say about your gifts?

  Finally, the interlocutor can indicate the completion by saying (最后,口试员可以用话语表示结束):

  Thank you for your performance.

  Ⅲ.Secondary-school A中学A组

  Part 1. Self-presentation (To be completed in 2 minutes)


  The interlocutor can start with questions such as (口试员可参考选择以下用语开始):

  Hello! Good morning [afternoon]!

  Are you ready?

  Shall we begin now?

  What are you going to present [play], please?

  What are you going to talk to me about?

  What do you want to say [present]?

  Are you going to present [play] a story, a song, or something else?

  What's the title [topic] of it?

  After the presentation, the interlocutor asks 2 or 3 simple general questions and then says to the contestant (陈述或表演结束后,口试员提问2-3个一般性的简答题,然后向参赛者说):

  Thank you. Now let's go on with the next part [Part 2].

  Part 2. Talking on The Giving Topic (Approximately 2 minutes in all)


  The interlocutor hands over the card (1) to the contestant and asks him/her to talk on the topic for about 1 minute. The contestant has 1 minute to prepare before starting to talk on the topic. For example (口试员交给参赛者试题卡,并请他/她就规定的命题陈述约1分钟。参赛者在陈述前可有1分钟准备的时间。例如):

  Topic: No Smoking

  Then the interlocutor retrieves the card and goes on with the next part (然后口试员收回卡片,并进入下一部分).

  Part 3. Responses to Questions (Approximately 1 minute)


  The interlocutor asks the contestant some questions from the following list as appropriate (口试员从如下的问题列表中选择适当的题目向参赛者提问):

  1. You can see "No smoking" everywhere.

  What do you think about it?

  2. Smoking is harmful to people's health, isn't it?

  3. Does your father smoke a lot?

  4. What would you do if your father smokes at home?

  5. More and more young people smoke now. Do you smoke?

  6. What's the best way to give up smoking?

  7. What's the reason of smoking for some people?

  8. Do you agree that smoking makes our country richer?

  Finally, the interlocutor can indicate the completion by saying (最后,口试员可以用话语表示结束):

  Thank you for your performance.

  Ⅳ. Secondary-school B中学B组

  Part 1. Self-presentation (To be completed in 2 minutes)


  The interlocutor can start with questions such as (口试员可参考选择以下用语开始):

  Hello! Good morning [afternoon]!

  Are you ready?

  Shall we begin now?

  What are you going to present [play], please?

  What are you going to talk to me about?

  What do you want to say [present]?

  Are you going to present [play] a story, a song, or something else?

  What's the title [topic] of it?

  After the presentation, the interlocutor asks 2 or 3 simple general questions and then says to the contestant (陈述或表演结束后,口试员提问2-3个一般性的简答题,然后向参赛者说):

  Thank you. Now let's go on with the next part [Part 2].

  Part 2. Talking on The Giving Topic (Approximately 2 minutes in all)


  The interlocutor hands over the card (1) to the contestant and asks him/her to talk on the topic for about 1 minute. The contestant has 1 minute to prepare before starting to talk on the topic. For example (口试员交给参赛者试题卡,并请他/她就规定的命题陈述约1分钟。参赛者在陈述前可有1分钟准备的时间。例如):

  Topic: About Computer

  Then the interlocutor retrieves the card and goes on with the next part (然后口试员收回卡片,并进入下一部分).

  Part 3. Responses to Questions (Approximately 1 minute)


  The interlocutor asks the contestant some questions from the following list as appropriate (口试员从如下的问题列表中选择适当的题目向参赛者提问):

  1. Can the computer do everything?

  2. Have you got a computer?

  3. For what do you use your computer?

  4. How long do you work with computer every day?

  5. Do you think computers have changed your life?

  6. Is your computer a great help with your study?

  7. How fast can you type with computer?

  8. Does the computer save your time or waste your time?

  Finally, the interlocutor can indicate the completion by saying (最后,口试员可以用话语表示结束):

  Thank you for your performance.

  Ⅴ. Secondary-school C中学C组

  Part 1. Self-presentation (To be completed in 2 minutes)


  The interlocutor can start with questions such as (口试员可参考选择以下用语开始):

  Hello! Good morning [afternoon]!

  Are you ready?

  Shall we begin now?

  What are you going to present [play], please?

  What are you going to talk to me about?

  What do you want to say [present]?

  Are you going to present [play] a story, a song, or something else?

  What's the title [topic] of it?

  After the presentation, the interlocutor asks 2 or 3 simple general questions and then says to the contestant (陈述或表演结束后,口试员提问2-3个一般性的简答题,然后向参赛者说):

  Thank you. Now let's go on with the next part [Part 2].

  Part 2. Talking on The Giving Topic (Approximately 2 minutes in all)


  The interlocutor hands over the card (1) to the contestant and asks him/her to talk on the topic for about 1 minute. The contestant has 1 minute to prepare before starting to talk on the topic. For example (口试员交给参赛者试题卡,并请他/她就规定的命题陈述约1分钟。参赛者在陈述前可有1分钟准备的时间。例如):

  Topic: Sports

  Then the interlocutor retrieves the card and goes on with the next part (然后口试员收回卡片,并进入下一部分).

  Part 3. Responses to Questions (Approximately 1 minute)


  The interlocutor asks the contestant some questions from the following list as appropriate (口试员从如下的问题列表中选择适当的题目向参赛者提问):

  1. Do you often have sports?

  2. What sports do you like best? Why?

  3. Have you watched the 17th World Cup?

  4. How many matches have you watched?

  5. Which team do you like best?

  6. Could you tell me a player who you like best?

  7. Do you also have other sports?

  8. What are they?

  Finally, the interlocutor can indicate the completion by saying (最后,口试员可以用话语表示结束):

  Thank you for your performance.

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首届全国青少年英语口语大赛 专题



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