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Cupid's Arrow Finds Its Mark— in Cyberspace
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/08/05 09:51  《英语学习》


  Here are words of comfort for anyone who has spent more time than he should in online chat rooms—a British psychologist has found that courtships begun in cyberspace can very well lead to true love. Many "virtual" relationships thrive once online partners meet face-to-face because they already know each other so well through their online encounters, said Jeffrey Gavin, a lecturer in psychology at the University of Bath. "Chat rooms don't lead to shallow and impersonal relationships," Gavin said in an interview. "They lead to really close relationships because people express themselves more freely and are more open and honest on the Internet." Gavin carried out in-depth interviews with 42 regular chat room users aged 19 to 26 years. Of the volunteers he studied, 29 reported close friendships or romantic relationships with people they met online, with 21 progressing to face-to-face meetings. One couple became engaged to be married. "What tends to happen is that, when they meet, it's a fairly smooth transition from online to offline because they know each other so well," said Gavin, who presented his findings to the annual conference of the British Psychological Society (BPS) in Blackpool.



《英语学习》2002年7期 专题
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世上最笨的奶奶(2002/08/08/ 13:06)
中国的衣橱里没有绿帽?(2002/08/08/ 10:58)
书写你的生命(2002/08/07/ 11:33)



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