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A Beautiful Mind: The Life of Mathematical Genius John Nash
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/08/09 09:25  《英语学习》

  By Marc Duane Anderson

  漱玉 选注


  The first annual report of the New Jersey State Lunatic Asylum<注1> contained the following descriptive passage: "Reposing in the midst of the most beautiful scenery in the valley of the Delaware, combining all the influences which human art and skill can command to bless, soothe, and restore the wandering intellects that are gathered at its bosom."<注2> Pretty insightful stuff<注3>, considering it was written in 1848; and especially poignant<注4> when it comes to the life of John Forbes Nash, Jr. He was not only a "wandering intellect," but a genius who suffered from paranoid schizophrenia<注5> and was in and out of mental institutions for most of his life. As is said, Nash's story could be divided into "three acts: genius, madness, reawakening."

  Naturally introverted<注6>, even at a young age, John Nash was described as being "bookish and slightly odd." His mother had him reading by the time he was four and instead of coloring books, his father gave him science books to read. But despite their efforts, the young Nash was prone to daydreaming in school, which led his teachers to describe him as an underachiever<注7>. A loner, his best friends were books. By the time he was 12, his room resembled a science lab. He was always the last to be chosen for baseball, and at a school dance he danced with chairs rather than girls.

  Although his elementary school math teachers complained he couldn't do the work, his mother observed he wasn't following the teachers' instructions because he had devised a simpler way to solve the problems. By high school, he was solving problems his chemistry teacher wrote on the blackboard without using pencil or paper. In college, his math professors would call on Nash when they themselves ran into problems solving complex equations they were presenting to their classes.

  But together with his brilliance were eccentricities that became more evident as Nash aged<注8>; the repeated playing of the same chord on the piano; an ice cream cone<注9> left to melt on a pile of clothes; pouting after losing a game or an argument; constantly whistling Bach<注10>. Those close to him characterized him as "disconnected" and "deeply unknowable."

  Fiercely independent, Nash rarely discussed the problems he was working on with anyone but he seemed to have an intuitive, irrational capability for the possible, which allowed him to devise unique solutions to (often previously unsolvable) problems.<注11> He had little use for textbooks and was known to work in his office from 10:00 p.m. till 3:00 a.m., solving difficult problems using "no references but his own mind." His peers called the results he was able to obtain "beautiful" and "striking".<注12>

  Perhaps his greatest achievement being his work on game theory,<注13> which led to a Nobel Prize for economics in 1994. He possessed a true love of discovery—he just had to know about things. While swimming with a friend in California, the two were dragged out to sea by an undercurrent and nearly drowned. Finally reaching shore exhausted, the friend was grateful for surviving while Nash, after briefly catching his breath, re-entered the surf exclaiming, "I wonder if that was an accident. I think I'll go back in and see."

  By the age of 30 it became apparent Nash was more than just eccentric as he started to display symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia: behaving suspiciously, becoming suspect of others, and finally announcing that "abstract powers from outer space" were communicating with him through encrypted messages printed in the New York Times<注14> and broadcast by radio stations. He developed "an obsession with the stock and bond markets," investing his mother's savings, convinced he could outsmart<注15> the markets and earn a profit. Instead, the results were "disastrous, to say the least." He was offered a prestigious chair in the mathematics department at the University of Chicago—something he had long strived for—but the chairman of the department received a strange letter from Nash declining the offer since he had decided to become the "Emperor of Antarctica"<注16> instead.

  However, according to a graduate student there at the time, Nash kept his sense of humor during his illness, recalling, "He knew he was crazy and he made little jokes about it."And when he underwent long periods of hospitalization, he even was told by another patient, "Professor, let me show you how one uses a broom."

  By now, his illness had gone into remission<注17> and he was able to stop taking antipsychotic<注18> drugs while learning to separate rational thinking from delusional thinking. In spite of his amazing recovery, awarding him with the Nobel Prize was a contentious issue due to his history of schizophrenia. But once awarded, there was resolve that the right decision had been made about a very worthy individual. One committee member recalls, "We resurrected<注19> him in a way. It was emotionally satisfying." Soon after the announcement, Nash half-joked "he hoped that getting the Nobel would improve his credit rating because he really wanted a credit card."<注20>

《英语学习》2002年7期 专题
旷工的理由(2002/08/09/ 09:22)
世上最笨的奶奶(2002/08/08/ 13:06)
中国的衣橱里没有绿帽?(2002/08/08/ 10:58)
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1. lunatic asylum:<旧>,疯人院,现称mental hospital。

2. (精神病院)坐落在特拉华州一个风景最优美的盆地,充分利用人类艺术和技能的所有影响力,来保护、抚慰那些聚集在其温暖怀抱中的神志恍惚的智者们并使他们恢复正常。


4. poignant:切中要害的。

5. paranoid schizophrenia:[心]妄想型精神分裂症。

6. introverted:(性格)内向的,不爱交际的。

7. underachiever:学习成绩不良的学生,学习成绩低于智力测试一般水平的学生。


9. ice cream cone:蛋卷冰淇淋。




13. game theory:[数]博奕论,对策论。


15. outsmart:智胜,比……更机灵。

16. Antarctica:南极洲。

17. get into remission:得到缓解,减轻。

18. antipsychotic:精神抑制药,安定药。

19. resurrect:使复活,使复苏。



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