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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 《英语学习》2002年7期 > 美国经济发展纵览(1)

The History of American Economy (1)
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/08/12 10:42  《英语学习》


  付美榕 编译



  First British Settlements in North America


  Two half-brothers, Sir Humphrey Gilbert and Sir Walter Raleigh, were the first Englishmen to undertake serious ventures in America.<注1> Gilbert, one of the more earnest seekers of the Northwest Passage<注2>, went to Newfoundland in 1578 and again in 1583 but failed to colonize the territory either time and lost his life on the return voyage to England after the second attempt. Raleigh, in turn, was granted<注3> the right to settle in "Virginia" and to have control of the land within a radius of 200 leagues<注4> from any colonists to the new continent. The first landed on the island of Roanoke off the coast of what is now North Carolina and stayed less than a year; anything but enthusiastic about their new home, these first colonists returned to England with Sir Francis Drake<注5> in the summer of 1586. Undaunted, Raleigh solicited the financial aid of asgroupsof wealthy Londoners and, in the following year, sent a second contingent of 150 people under the leadership of Governor John White. Raleigh had given explicit instructions that this colony was to be planted somewhere on the Chesapeake Bay, but Governor White disregarded thesgroupsand landed at Roanoke. White went back to England for supplies; when he returned after much delay in 1590, the settlers had vanished. Not a single member of the famed "lost colony" was ever found, not even a tooth.

  After a long war between England and Spain<注6> from 1588 to 1603, England renewed attempts to colonize North America. In 1606, two charters were granted—one to asgroupsof Londoners, the other to merchants of Plymouth and other western port town. The London Company was given the right to settle the southern part of the English territory in America; the Plymouth Company was given jurisdiction over the northern part.

  So two widely separated colonies were established in 1607: one at Sagadahoc, near the mouth of the Kennebec River, in Maine; the other in modern Virginia. Those who survived the winter in the northern colony gave up and went home, and the colony established at Jamestown won the hard-earned honor of being the first permanent English settlement in America.

  Hard-earned indeed! When the London Company landed three tiny vessels at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay in 1607, 105 people disembarked to found the Jamestown Colony. Easily distracted by futile "get rich quick" schemes, they actually sent shiploads of mica and yellow ore back to England in 1607 and 1608. Before the news reached their ears that their treasure was worthless "fool's gold," disease, starvation, and misadventure had taken a heavy toll: 67 of the original 105 Jamestown settlers died in the first year.

  The few remaining survivors (one of whom was convicted of cannibalism) were joined in 1609 by 800 new arrivals, sent over by the reorganized and renamed Virginia Company.<注7> By the following spring, frontier hardships had cut the number of settlers from 838 to 60. That summer, those who remained were found fleeing down river to return home to England by new settlers with fresh supplies, who encouraged them to reconsider. This was Virginia's "starving time".

  Inadequately supplied and untutored in the art of colonization, the earliest frontier pioneers routinely suffered and died. In 1623, a royal investigation of the Virginia experience was launched in the wake of an Indian attack that took the lives of 500 settlers. The investigation reported that of the 6,000 who had migrated to Virginia since 1607, 4,000 had died. The life expectancy of these hardy settlers upon arriving was two years.

  The heavy human costs of first settlement were accompanied by substantial capital losses. Without exception, the earliest colonial ventures were unprofitable. Indeed, they were financial disasters. Neither the principal nor the interest on the Virginia Company's accumulated investment of more than£200,000 was ever repaid (approximately ,000,000 in today's values). The investments in New England were less disappointing, but overall, English capitalists were heavy losers in their quest to tame the frontier.



  Humphrey Gilbert爵士与Walter Raleigh爵士这两个同母异父兄弟是最先在美洲进行真正的冒险之旅的英国人。Gilbert更热衷于寻找西北通道,他曾于1578和1583年前往加拿大纽芬兰(岛)开辟殖民地,两度尝试均遭失败,并且在第二次历险的归国途中壮志未酬身先去。而Raleigh获准在弗吉尼亚开辟领地并对新大陆上建立的所有半径不超过的殖民地享有管辖权。Raleigh带来的第一批拓居者在今天的北卡罗来纳州的罗阿诺克岛登陆并住了不到一年时间;由于对新家园毫无热情,第一批的殖民地开拓者于1586年夏随Francis Drake爵士返回英国。Raleigh毫不退缩、大胆地请求一批富有的伦敦人资助于次年派出150人的团队,由John White总督带队前行。Raleigh明确指示要在切萨皮亚湾开辟殖民地,但White总督自行其是,在罗阿诺克登了陆。此后White曾回英国办理供给,而当他经过一段时间的耽搁一路风尘于1590年赶回原地时,拓居者们早已不见踪影。盛传的“失落的拓居地”的“居民”尸骨难寻。在1588-1603年英国与西班牙之间漫长的战争之后,英国继续尝试在北美开辟殖民地。1606年,两个特许状分别给予一批伦敦人和一批普利茅斯及其他西部港口城镇的商人。伦敦公司有权在美洲大陆的英国领地的南部定居;普利茅斯公司获得对北部的管辖权。





《英语学习》2002年7期 专题
童话般的世界--纯净的新西兰(2002/08/12/ 09:48)
约翰·纳什的美丽境界(2002/08/09/ 09:25)
旷工的理由(2002/08/09/ 09:22)
世上最笨的奶奶(2002/08/08/ 13:06)
中国的衣橱里没有绿帽?(2002/08/08/ 10:58)





4. League里格,旧时英美长度单位,约为三或三哩。

5. 1580年西班牙海上争霸达到至尊地位。1588-1607年西班牙在与英国的战争中大大耗费精力,从而丧失了作为第一个通过在美洲开辟殖民地而扩张势力的优势。

6. Sir Francis Drake:弗朗西斯·德雷克,1540-1596英国航海家。是第二位成功环绕地球航行一周的人。他本是海盗,后来为伊丽莎白女皇效命。



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