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Soccer Fans Get "Not a Hooligan" Shirts
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/08/14 09:25  《英语学习》


Nagai Stadium/大阪的Nagai体育场

  Foreign soccer fans worried about being singled out as hooligans by nervous Japanese police during the World Cup can now advertise their innocence on their shirts. Japanese soccer fans in Osaka, some 408 km (255 miles) west of Tokyo, had come up with a T-shirt for the benefit of foreign visitors to the city, where the authorities braced for a match between England and Nigeria on June 12. The white shirt bears the legend "I am Not a Hooligan" in large letters, with the "Not" written in red and inserted between the other words as if a correction. Underneath is the same statement in Japanese, once in standard Japanese and again in the Osaka dialect. Koichi Takeuchi, chairman of the Osaka fan group, was quoted by Japanese media as saying the idea was to help foreign friends who feared they would be viewed as hooligans by Japanese police. And he told reporters: "Even more than that, it's a bit of sarcasm aimed at the people who just look at people and think they might be hooligans." Authorities across Japan are braced for trouble from overseas fans, particularly those from England, who have a reputation for causing trouble.


  Remarks:想起一则笑话:二人猎熊于森林,其中一人近视。为防误伤,另一人于背上书写“I am not a bear"字样,结果依然被同伴击中。同伴的解释是:“我没看见那个‘not’。”

《英语学习》2002年7期 专题
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