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Outhouses Are in Fashion
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/09/02 10:06  《英语学习》


  What 19th-century housewife could have guessed that her family’s unpleasant but necessary“little shack out back,”otherwise known as the outhouse, would function as a piece of kitschy yard art 100 years later?<注1> The outhouse seems to have emerged from the chronicles of history smelling like a rose.<注2>

  Once purely utilitarian and slightly distasteful devices, outhouses are an icon of the rustic life our grandparents and great-grandparents endured.<注3> Today, many people convert old outhouses into lawn with a special style; some even go so far as to build new outhouses for display or, in rare cases, for actual use. It’s wonderful to see this forgotten piece of history come back again. Outhouses represent something more than just a place of relief. They are the echoes of a time long past, and a reminder to appreciate what we have.

  Indoor comfort is something most of us have never lived without. It’s hard to envision getting fully dressed, putting on your shoes and hiking out to the backyard just to go potty in the middle of the night, and not being able to just sleepily wander to a warm bathroom across the hall.<注4> But now, it is a time for change.

  Yard art

  Outhouse crafts have become quite popular in the last decade. Today, in celebration of this artifact<注5>, people decorate and paint outhouses, plant flowers in them or use them for garden-tool storage.

  As most people think, outhouses are aesthetically<注6> pleasing to look at,shavingsa shape that just catches the eye. It’s a little country. It’s a little history. It’s a little unique. It just seems that all wrapped into one package<注7>. A common addition to a decorated outhouse is a carved-out moon or star on the door, designs that were often seen when outhouses were in common use.<注8>

  Build your own

  Nowadays, there are a lot of companies selling outhouse kits<注9> you may need, which as they claim襛re great for yard or garden decoration, and fully operational<注10>? Each kit comes with step-by-step instructions, and in fact what you need for work is solely a power drill and a hammer. With them, you can create blue pine outhouses, cedar outhouses or an antique wood outhouse.

  If you decide to build an outhouse that will actually be used, carefully evaluate placement. In the past, outhouses were often built near chicken coops so the stronger smell that emanated from the chickens could“mask”the unpleasant fumes of the outhouses.<注11> Most outhouses often are four-feet square by seven-feet tall. They would be placed anywhere from 50 to 150 feet away from the main house.

  Political background

  Outhouses have been involved with political issues. Attempting to pull the U.S. out of the Great Depression, FDR directed his Works Progress Administration,<注12> which put many Americans to work at a time when there was no work, to build roads, schools, sidewalks and other public facilities, including outhouses.

  The thousands of government-built outhouses were admired for their sturdy<注13> construction, while homemade shack could be easily toppled by errant boys, or were so flimsily built that a person could throw a cat through them.<注14> Most families still relied on“outside facilities”In fact three-man teams would spend an average of 20 hours constructing each outhouse. If possible, farm families would only pay for materials while the WPA supplied the free labor. These were considered“fancy<注15> outhouses”because they had cement floors and ventilation shafts.<注16> Of course, these“fancy outhouses”were much more sanitary. Most outhouses were notorious for spreading disease, contaminating wells and breeding worms.

  “By building modern outhouses with roofs that wouldn’t leak and cement floors that worms couldn’t penetrate,”some pointed out,“the WPA prevented a great deal of suffering and helped bring rural America into modern times.”

  Anyway, whether you get the outhouse on your own or with the government’s help, you make it after all, don’t you? And building an outhouse is still in season<注17>, which certainly gives you something to think about.-

《英语学习》2002年8期 专题
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1.家中那个令人讨厌却又必不可少的“后院的小破屋”——也就是大家所知的“户外厕所”——在100年后会成为一种附庸风雅的庭院艺术,对此,19世纪的家庭主妇会怎么想?otherwise:另外情况,其他方面,此处指little shack的另一种称呼;outhouse:<美>户外厕所;kitschy/kit1i/:矫揉造作的。






5. artifact:人工制品、制造物(区别于天然物);(代表特定文化或技术发展阶段的)手工艺品。

6. aesthetically:美感地,审美地。



9. kit:配套元件(供购买者装配成件)。

10. operational:可使用的、处于正常运转状态的。此处fully operational可译为“性能良好的”。


12.FDR:富兰克林·罗斯福,美国第32届总统;Works Progress Administration:WPA,在30年代大危机中,由罗斯福总统领导的公共工程署,鼓励工人参加桥梁、道路等工程建设,扩大就业机会。





17.in season:(水果、蔬菜等)应时的,当令的。


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