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The best remedy for an injury is to forget it
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/09/02 11:12  世博英语

  The best remedy for an injury is to forget it.



  Remedy, a medicine to cure an illness or pain that is not very serious,疗法;药物。An excellent remedy for period pains,治疗周期性疼痛的特效药。例句:Take a vacation; it’s a good remedy for unhappiness.休假,这是治疗不高兴的好办法。

  Injury, it’s the noun form of injure, it means a wound or damage to part of our body caused by an accident or attack,伤害,损害。Insurance against injury at work工伤保险。例句:he suffered serious injuries to the arms and legs.他的胳膊和腿都受了重伤。/injure to one’s pride这里的injure是一种比喻的用法,表示伤害了个人的自尊心。


  随着医疗技术的不断发展,身体的伤痛已有许多的特效药可以治愈;而心灵的创伤除了忘却,是没有任何特效药可以医治的。因此我们说:The best remedy for an injury is to forget it.

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