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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 英国女演员裸身演示芭蕾舞原理(图)

The bare bones of ballet displayed
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/09/13 09:02  金羊网-新快报


  The ballerina Deborah Bull is to star in a television series about the science of dance.

  She explores how the body adapts through training and what elements of the mind and body make performance possible.

  Deborah Bull dances naked with body paint detailing her muscular and skeletal structure.

  Ms Bull, 39, a former prima ballerina who retired from The Royal Ballet last year after 20 years, wrote The Dancer''s Body for BBC2.

  She said the series enabled her to "investigate questions I''ve always wanted to answer about an art form I''ve practised for so long. It has allowed me to take a long, hard look at how dancers do the seemingly impossible and how audiences read so muchsintoswhat they see."

  She said the series enabled her to "investigate questions I''ve always wanted to answer about an art form I''ve practised for so long. It has allowed me to take a long, hard look at how dancers do the seemingly impossible and how audiences read so muchsintoswhat they see."

  The programme investigates the dancer''s brain, discovering how movement is learnt and remembered and what lies behind a dancer''s exceptional ability for control and co-ordination.






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