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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > on top of/了若指掌

on top of/了若指掌
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/09/17 10:04  空中美语

  俚语:on top of/了若指掌

  定义:remain very informed about a rapidly changing situation.对变化迅速的局势仍很清楚

  例句:She's so busy herself but she's always on top of what all her friends and relatives are doing.她非常地忙碌,但对于她的朋友和亲戚在做什么都知道很清楚

空中美语 专栏
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by no means/决不(配语音讲解)(2002/09/16/ 10:41)
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to be a breeze/轻而易举的(配语音)(2002/09/13/ 15:12)



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