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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 人物篇:不朽的传奇--猫王Elvis(2)

Legends of the King(2)
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/09/30 10:24  空中美语




  Elvis Aaron Presley wasn't born a king. In fact, he grew up dirt-poor in rural Tennessee. Legend has it that Elvis was working as a truck driver in Memphis when he made his first recording: a belated birthday gift for his mother. Later, when Sun Records owner Sam Phillips heard Elvis' soulful voice, he thought he had finally found what he had been looking for—a white man who sounded black. Phillips boasted that with Elvis on his label, he would make a million dollars.

  Early Sun recordings had Elvis on vocals and guitar, backed by another guitar and a stand-up bass. He was playing the kind of material he would one day become famous for: blues, country songs, and gospel hymns. It was a long way from the white jumpsuits and Las Vegas-style concerts everyone now associates with Elvis. But those early recordings helped define the kind of music that the world now knows as rock 'n'roll.





  1. dirt-poor adj.赤贫的

  2. belated adj.迟来的

  3. gospel hymn n.福音圣歌

  4. jumpsuit n.贴身的连身服饰

空中美语 专栏
人物篇:不朽的传奇--猫王Elvis(1) (2002/09/04 10:14)
Get in touch with/和…联络(2002/09/30/ 09:54)
believe it or not/信不信由你(配语音)(2002/09/29/ 11:16)
Come up/提起;成话题(2002/09/29/ 10:38)
Guess Who's for Dinner/蚊子也挑食(2002/09/29/ 10:21)
金窝,银窝,不如自己的草窝(2002/09/28/ 10:30)
Stand one up/让某人等待;失约(2002/09/28/ 10:24)


1. legend

n. a story from the past that may or may not be true传奇
I’m reading about the legend of King Arthur.

2. soulful

adj. full of emotion or feeling充满感情的
My dog gave me a soulful look when I scolded her.

3. boast

v. to assert with pride夸耀
Johnny boasted that he could become the company’s president in five years.

4. a long way from

far from; not at all远非;绝非
I am still a long way from finishing the assignment due tomorrow.

5. associate sb./sth. with v.

phr. to connect in the mind联想
I always associate popcorn with movies.

6. define

v. to characterize; to determine the essential quality of定义;界定
Microsoft software helped define the way we use computers.


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