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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 把感情深藏起来 男儿有泪不轻弹!

Boys don't cry
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/11/07 14:48  空中美语




  "Boys don't cry!" is what many fathers tell their sons when they fall off their bikes, or do not make the basketball team. Although they want their sons to be "real" men—the kind who hide their feelings, encouraging boys to keep a stiff upper lip can be harmful.

  When emotions are prevented from taking their natural course, people experience anxiety and stress. Bottled-up feelings eventually come pouring out as anger, the only "acceptable" emotional display for men.

  Anger is not only painful for those on the receiving end, but also for the men themselves. Research proves that it is unhealthy to repress one's emotions, and that men who do not express their emotions freely tend to die earlier than those who do.

  Ironically, the efforts of fathers to instill "manly" behavior in their sons are in vain: In a recent poll, women said that a man is not only manlier if he can weep, but sexier as well.

把感情深藏起来 男儿有泪不轻弹!





  More Information

  1. bottled-up adj.受压抑的

  2. on the receiving end;slang受气包;承受不愉快事物的人

  3. repress v.压抑

  4. instill v.灌输

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1. keep a stiff upper lip

idiom. to maintain a determined attitude when facing difficulty 坚定不移
Although the police officer was scared, he managed to keep a stiff upper lip.

2. emotion

n. a strong human feeling 情绪,情感
Pregnant women can experience a variety of emotions.

3. prevent from

v. phr. to stop (sth.) from happening; to stop (sb.) from doing sth. 阻止
The firemen arrived quickly, and the fire was prevented from spreading.

4. anxiety

n. a worried feeling caused by fear of danger or misfortune 焦虑
Students often feel anxiety before important tests.

5. pour out

v. phr. to express in an uncontrollable way 诉说,倾吐
When Halle Berry received the award, tears of joy poured out.

6. ironically

adv. in a way as to have an unexpected and sometimes humorous result 讽刺地
Ironically, the Titanic was advertised as being unsinkable.


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