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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 太傻留学英语 > 托福老鱼结构100句及答案和分析(4)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/11/08 09:57  太傻网


  75.Physical fitness activities can lead to an alarming variety of injuries if participants push themselves greatly hard.

  76.The structure or behavior of many protozoans are amazingly complex for single-celled animals.

  77.The word "shore" can be used rather of "coast" to mean the land bordering the sea.

  78.A fable is usually a short tale featuring animals or inanimate objects that can talk and think alike humans.

  79.Since flounders have makings that blend with their surroundings, it can lie camouflaged on the bottom of the ocean.

  80.The aging process is not entirely determined by heredity, but is influenced by different environmental and social circumstances as good.

  81.Booker T. Washington, an educational leader, worked throughout the lifetime to Improve economic conditions for Black people in the United States.

  82.Approximately fifty percent of the package utilized in the United States are for foods and beverages.

  83.Whether as statesman, scientist, and philosopher, Benjamin Franklin was destined to gain lasting honor throughout much of the world.

  84.A merger is a combination of two or more businesses down below a single management.

  85.Countries tend to specialize in the production and export of those goods and services that it can produce relatively cheaply.

  86.A paragraph is a portion of a text consists of one or more sentences related to the same idea.

  87.Made of sealskin stretched over a framework of whalebone or driftwood, an Eskimo kayak is completed enclosed except for the opening in which the paddler sits.

  88.our urge to classify different life forms and give us names seems to be as old as the human race.

  89.Surrealist Mists painted in such a manner that their pictures seem if as they came from the realm of dreams.

  90.Navajo National Monument in northern Arizona incorporates three of the most large all known cliff dwellings.

  91.By studying geometry, students can learn to develop logical arguments through deductive reasoning.

  92.Many critics believe at Amy Loweell's most important work is not her poetry, his biography, John Keats, published the year of her death.

  93.The Carlsbad caverns, located in New Mexico, rank between the largest underground labyrinths in the world.

  94.William Taft begins his many years of service for the United States when President Benjamin Harrison appointed him solicitor general in 1890.

  95.Hamet Monroe's verse survive today as evidence of her undiscouraged zeal for the advancement of modern poetry.

  96."How does the human brain work?" remains one of the most profound and questions confront modern science.

  97.Like squirrels, tree shrews are bearing well-developed claws on their digits and are generally active during daylight hours.

  98.Even many early leaders of the United States have provided names for towns, only George Washington is remembered in the name of a state.

  99.Because it is a healthy way to exercise, aerobic dancing is considered an excellent method for release tension.

  100.Applied research aims at some specific objective, such as the-development of a new produce, process, or material.

  75.greatly-->very greatly通常不用来修饰副词,而是用来修饰动词


  77.rather of-->rather than/instead of

  78. alike-->like


  80.as good-->as well but...as well

  81.the lifetime-->his lifetime



  eg. one percent of the packages...are...;

  99 percent of the water is....


  84.down below-->under

  85. it can-->they can




  89.if as-->as if

  90.most large-->largest

  91.learn to-->learn how to






  97.are bearing-->bear

  98.even many...-->even though many...





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