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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 暑期勤工俭学--高中生当道

Whiz Kids
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/11/08 14:58  空中美语




  From High Schoolers to High-Tech Earners

  High salaries, travel allowances, and paid vacations. These are the perquisites designed to lure the brightest university graduates away from their ivory towers. But as the pool of qualified graduates is drained, high-tech U.S. businesses are turning to a less tapped labor source: high school students. This summer, lavish perks and attractive wages have been offered to skilled workers who are not yet old enough to drive.

  Despite a recent economic downturn, demand in the U.S. high-tech sector has not slackened for skilled programmers and creative talent. As college students set their sights on starting their own companies and earning sky-high salaries, human resources departments are targeting high schoolers for summer employment. Technology companies understand that teenagers are capable of producing high-caliber work. Furthermore, high school students are prepared to accept lower pay than their college-graduate counterparts.

  Besides being relatively inexpensive and plentiful, high school students are desirable workers because they love what they do: They are often computer "geeks" with a genuine passion for new technology. As such, hiring them can be a real bonus for technology companies, which reap the benefits that go hand in hand withshavingsenthusiastic and self-motivated employees as part of the team.





空中美语 专栏
Have a crush on/迷恋…(2002/11/08/ 09:24)
把感情深藏起来 男儿有泪不轻弹!(2002/11/07/ 14:48)
Pay one's respects/向…问候(2002/11/07/ 09:30)
无知不是借口 别再扮“抄”人了!(2002/11/06/ 13:24)
Not be keen about/对…不热衷(2002/11/06/ 09:50)
诗歌欣赏 冬天的星期日(罗伯特-海顿)(2002/11/05/ 13:28)


1. perk


2. slacken

vi. 减弱

3. counterpart

n. 与另一个相仿的人或物

4. geek

n. 对计算机有超乎常人热情的人


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