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How to Publish a Paper in a Jimmy Eat World
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/01/07 10:57  《英语学习》

  A while back, I wrote a column complaining that many young peope do not read newspapers, and seem to be more interested in Britney Spears<注2> than the Middle East. I assumed that this column would not offend anybody, because I was just kidding around. Also I figured no young person would actually read it.

  Unfortunately, the column fellsintosthe hands of Debbie Title, a teacher at Crestview Middle School in Ellisville, Missouri, who did something unspeakably vicious: She used my column as a classroom assignment. It is a well-known educational fact that if you want young people to hate a writer, yousgroupsthem to read his writing, form opinions about it and write these opinions down under harsh classroom conditions. This is why Shakespeare is so unpopular.

  Anyway, Ms. Title ordered her eighth-graders<注3> to respond to my column. She sent me their essays, which amount to a compelling critique<注4> of me views. In summary, the students make three basic points:

  (1) I am old.

  (2) I am an idiot.

  (3) I am an old idiot.

  Or, as one student put it: Dave Barry I suggest that you get a life you annoying little Baby Boomer<注5> !

  The thing that ticked the students off<注6> the most was my allegation that they are fans of Britney Spears. As one of them put it: Most kids don't talk about Britney Spears. If she did a nude photo shoot<注7> we would, but that won't happen for a while.

  Or, as another student wrote, enigmatically<注8> : Why do young people read newspapers" Two words: not Britney Spears."

  What performers do these students want to read about" Teenagers like to see stuff about Rob Zombie and Saleen Mustangs,"one student wrote.

  NOTE TO OLD PEOPLE: Rob Zombie"is a musician, I think, although to judge from his Web site "www. robzombie.com "he might be an actual corpse who has, through some kind of voodoo ritual<注9> , come to life and signed a recording contract. "Saleen Mustangs"SOUNDS like the name of a band, but as far as I can tell actually refers to fast cars. Another student wrote: "Some things we are interested in are bands "not boy bands, but like Slipknot, New Found Glory, Mxpx, Jimmy Eat World.

  NOTE TO OLD PEOPLE: These are all actual bands. On the official Web site for Jimmy Eat World, I found a tour diary, written by drummer Zach Lind, who states: We played a Roman coliseum<注10> in Switzerland. It was built during the Roman empire. That was probably the first place we have playedswheresthe killing of human beings was a common occurrence at some point."This statement is false: Jimmy Eat World has also played in Miami.

  (If you want to know the truth, I listened to some of Jimmy Eat World's music, and I actually like it. Of course, I would never say so in public, for fear of destroying the band's credibility with Crestview Middle School.)

  In addition to noting that I am a clueless, drooling, senile fool<注11> , Ms. Title's students offered advice on how the newspaper industry might attract young readers, including:

  "I don't like reading about death, war and government. Write about things that we can relate to<注12> ."

  "Make the newspaper more humorous, it is soooo boring. Talk about skateboarding, it is so huge now you don't even know.

  "Talk about not boring stuff. Like the peace thing. It's very important, I understand that. But it's boring."

  "Hon't use jokes that we don't understand. In your article, you said詀much higher percentage than the general population voted for Stalin."Who is Stalin" Put in jokes kids understand."

  "When you talk about this stuff make it interesting. Like when we kill a terrorist, don't just say he died, say he blew up in a million pieces or something like that."

  "I think one way you could improve newspaper sales to young people, would be making the paper look more appealing" Maybe blue and red ink"

  "Another thing that would sell good to kids is by typing bigger.

  "Another suggestion is to make more comics, like "Get Fuzzy."<注13> There shouldn't be these stupid comics about the guy who talks about nature, that comic sucks<注14> .

  Some of these suggestions threaten the very essence of newspaper journalism (Motto: Heath, War and Government". But I see no reason why we can not use blue and red ink. And I definitely "Goofed<注15> "by not explaining, for younger readers, who Stalin is. He is the bass player<注16> for Rob Zombie.

  In conclusion, I urge newspapers to incorporate as many these changes as possible, because young readers are, truly, our Hope for the Future. In that vein, let me conclude with this thoughtful and inspirational quote from one of their essays:

  "Our teacher is only making us write 5 paragraphs and I'm done."



  原文作者介绍:他曾在不久前写过一篇文章,大意是现在许多青少年不读报,对Britney Spears的兴趣要超过对中东的关注。结果美国的一位中学教师把这篇文章作为自己学生的作业,要求他们写出读后感,事后把学生对这篇文章的反应寄给了原文作者。学生对作者认定他们是Britney Spears的崇拜者非常反感。一位说,现在大多数青少年不谈Britney Spears。她若拍裸体照片他们倒可能会再谈,可那不是说拍就拍的。另一位说,其实现在中学生喜欢的是Rob Zombie(音乐人)、Saleen Mustangs牌跑车。还有一位说,他们感兴趣的是流行乐队,如Slipknot, New Found Glory, Mxpx, Jimmy Eat World。对于当今青少年喜爱的流行音乐,虽然我孤陋寡闻,对小读者如数家珍的乐队名称几乎一无所知,但我还是时时“受教”。这里有一个旁证。在今年第八期《英语学习》的一篇文章里,我把Led Zepplin想当然地注解为一种T-shirt的品牌。不久便有一位中学生给我写信,说Led Zepplin不是你说的衬衫品牌,而是七十年代当红的一个美国流行乐队名,同时还引证了一份音乐杂志的文章。在此,我感谢那位同学,同时也想证明当今青少年对流行音乐、乐队的热衷不假。现在回到原来的话题。原文作者在前文的评述,即这一代人追随流行远超过关心时事,热衷时尚而抛弃报纸,使这些中学生马上描绘出了这个“讨厌家伙”的形象:既老又傻还胡说八道,简直是白痴一个!接着,他们给当下的报业提了许多意见,总结如下:







  也许是因为“童言无忌”吧,作者对中学生的以上看法并未作出太多反应。他一方面说其中的一些建议其实是威胁到报业新闻的实质(报道死亡、战争和政治本是此行业的特点),另一方面又呼吁(是否真心另当别论)报纸尽量按照青少年的意思作出调整。他又不无揶揄地说,“上文没说斯大林是谁真是犯了个大错误,其实他是Rob Zombie的贝司手”。在作者的心目中,跟这些小毛孩谈乐队以外的事简直是对牛弹琴。作者显然是不愿多说,于是便用其中一位学生的结束语把本话题收住:“我们老师只要求我们写上五段,到此为止。”

  从文中知道,给作者提意见的是初中生,即八、九十年代出生的一代人。他们被叫做“新新人类”。他们的生活方式和兴奋点均跟“baby-booming”时代(在美国指“二战”后至六十年代)出生的人有较大区别:他们更关心生活中的“轻”——休闲、乐队、娱乐明星、跑车、滑板等时尚运动;他们喜爱语言和动作的夸张,语不惊人誓不休,字要大号,还要颜色艳丽;他们对于人类当前和历史的状况缺乏兴趣,认为“we can (not) relate to”;他们一般重视有一个“好心情”,对自己感官范围之外的世界缺乏认同和耐心。我在这里尽量不对此作出评判,因为我没有资格。60年代末出生的我,虽然还不至于太老朽和迂腐,但看着二十年后出生的这一代人已觉相当陌生。一代人有一代人的独特气质和追求,我同意存在即合理,整整一代人的存在更有其充分的合理性。崔健唱道:“不是我不明白,而是这世界变化太快!”我突然想到,也许我们的父辈也曾经用同样不解的目光看着我们吧。那个时代人们一般满足于“What”,我们这个时代还应该有耐心去探索“Why”。

  美国的“新新人类”成长的年代是社会相对稳定、经济持续发展、少有挫折感的十几年,个人生活与民族命运之重连他们的父辈都少有经历,更何况他们。再来看看中国的“新新人类”:这是个个是“小皇帝”,家家有套房,天天面对屏幕数小时的一代。他们往往有“a room of his/her own”,有空间把自己的个性张扬到极致。看来要让已与图像和虚拟世界融为一体的这一代人像我们这一代一样喜爱和关注今天的报章新闻,真是太难为他们了。我相信不用报纸年轻一代也同样能给这个世界带来多样和精彩,而我们也有必要坚守自己的信念并有所作为,让这个世界多一些同情心和责任感。如果有人一定要求我给“How to publish a paper in a Jimmy Eat world"”一个回答,那么我要说:Please bear in mind, you cannot please everybody. Stick to what you think right, and make as many steady changes as possible.。"

《英语学习》2002年12期 专题
她把美丽带给人间(2003/01/03/ 11:14)
星满夜空(2003/01/02/ 11:13)
《日本时报》前主编访谈录(2002/12/31/ 12:05)


1. Jimmy Eat World:很受美国青少年青睐的乐队的名字。标题大致意思为“如何在一个热衷流行乐队的时代(世界)办好一份报纸?”

2. Britney Spears:“小甜甜”布兰妮,美国当红流行歌手。

3. eighth-graders:美国八年级学生,相当于中国的初中二、三年级学生。

4. compelling:发人深思的;critique:评论。

5. Baby Boomer:生育高峰期出生的人,尤指第二次世界大战后1947-1961年间出生的美国人。

6. tick...off:使……恼火。

7. nude photo shoot:裸体像。

8. enigmatically:令人费解地,神秘莫测地。

9. voodoo ritual:伏都巫术的仪式。voodoo:伏都教(一种西非原始宗教,现仍流行于海地和其他加勒比海诸岛的黑人中)。

10. coliseum:大体育场、大剧院等大型公共娱乐场所。

11. clueless, drooling, senile fool:一无所知、胡说八道、老态龙钟的傻瓜。

12. relate to:认同,欣赏。

13. "Get Fuzzy":“弄糊涂”,幽默栏目名。

14. suck:令人讨厌。

15. (be) goofed:犯错误,出差错。

16. bass player:贝司手。


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