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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Brian的英语世界 > 理察-基尔访谈1

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/01/26 15:39  新浪教育

  RO:脱口秀主持人   Richard Gere:理察-基尔

  RO: So you had reshoots(重拍镜头,电影用) last night?

  Richard Gere: Yeah. We had two days of them, and we got behind so we literally finished at 6 this morning in Toronto(多伦多).

  RO: And was it a big budget(高预算影片)?

  RG: No, it was scene work(取景). It was fairly low-budget(低预算)on this thing.

  RO: It was?

  RG: Yeah. When you see the movie, you won't believe what we did it for. Rob (Rob Marshall, the director) did an amazing job. But there were a couple sequences we didn't have time to get close-ups, and it just suffers because it's in wide shots(宽镜头) and these are scenesswheresyou have to get...

  RO: ...intimate. (亲密的)

  RG: Yes.sintostheir eyes.

  RO: During the actual shooting, you had to move because you didn't have time to get cover shots.(在实际拍摄中,你必须不断往前拍,因为没有时间留下给你重拍。)

  RG: Right. I said, "Look, this is no good." I looked at the tape of the wide shots(我看了一下拍过的镜头)-"It doesn't work." Rob said, "I know, but we've got to move on. There's no time."

  RO: Did that scare you during the filming-a little bit? (吓着你了没有--点点?)

  RG: It happens. It happens with every movie. There's never enough time, and there is always a moment when everyone gets brain-dead(脑子卡壳的) and the ideas just don't come. And you're stuck, you know. And you're kind of sitting there for 20 minutes, half hour, hour and a half-kind of, "What are we going to do with this? (有的,每部电影都有。总是没有太多的时间,总是有那么一段时间,大家脑袋都不好使了,主意就是出不来。你陷入困境,坐在那里20分钟,半个小时,再半个小时,然后问自己,我们要怎么做?)

  RO: Right.

  RG: Three or four of those will happen during a movie, and this was one of them. Under the pressure, couldn't figure out how to make this work. But, in any event, we loved the movie.

Brian的英语世界 专题
大海捞针(2003/02/09/ 18:07)
恋恋风尘(2003/02/09/ 17:42)
姚明立奇功(2003/02/09/ 17:28)
关于Brian(2003/01/28/ 20:16)
理察-基尔访谈3(2003/01/26/ 15:52)



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