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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Brian的英语世界 > 恋恋风尘

Love at Sixteen
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/02/09 17:42  新浪教育

  What exactly is love? Technically, love is an intense feeling for another, or at least that is what the dictionary tells me, but to me it's so much more. It's the touch of his hand upon my cheek, the smell of his skin when I'm lying against his shoulder, or the heartfelt laughs and words that pass between our lips.

  It's the gentle sound of his breath when he falls asleep alongside my neck, the warmth of his arms when he's holding me, or the softness of his lips when he kisses mine ever so lightly. To me, it's the tingle when he looks straightsintosmy eyes with a smile, a gathering of butterflies in my stomach when I see him as he walks up my driveway for the first time in three weeks, or the excited jump I takesintoshis arms as he then spins me and kisses my cheek.

  Unfortunately, love is also the tears that he kisses away when we must part for those three weeks. Love is not just a word; love is not just a physical phenomenon either. Of course you are going to speak words, and feel physical attraction, but love is something that is felt deep within your soul, surrounded by with your heart, and thought of time and time again. Love in itself is an irreplaceable experience.

  Many tell me, "You don't know what love is, for you're only sixteen," but I beg to differ. Whether they believe me or not, whether you believe me or not, I know what love is, how love feels, andswhereslove can take you, though also leave you.

  I know the true contentment of the heart through love, but also the sinful tears that hurt to cry. I understand the meaning of words, the touch of not only a lover, but also a best friend, and the emotional ride that flows with it. I know love, I knowswheresit takes you and leaves you, I know contentment, I know tears, I understand words, feel the touches, and ride the emotional flow everyday, for I am in love right now, and yes, at sixteen.


  1.That's what the dictionary tells us./字典里是这么说的

  That's what the dictionary tells us, but I don't think so.


  2.The smell of his skin./他皮肤的味道

  I like the smell of his skin.



  I broke up with the heartfelt laughs.



  It was the tingle when she looked straightsintosmy eyes.



  I take hersintosmy arms and spin her and kiss her.我把她抱起来,一边转圈一边亲吻她。

  6.Kiss away/吻别(想起张学友的歌)

  Her tears come down when he kissed away in the railway station because they are going to part for a whole year.


  7.Many tell me/很多人告诉我(口语)

  Many tell me, I should not make friends with him because he's not the one who could be trusted.很多人告诉我,我不应该和他交朋友,因为他不值得信任。

  8.Sinful/有罪的、罪孽的We could see his sinful tears in the court.



  Love, an irreplaceable experience, and one of lives very best simple pleasures.



  Love is not just words, love is not physical phenomenon either, love is something that is felt deep within your soul, and thought of time and time again.


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