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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Brian的英语世界 > 理察-基尔访谈3

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/01/26 15:52  新浪教育

    RO:脱口秀主持人   Richard Gere:理察-基尔

  RO: Did it satisfy with your performance, do you think?

  RG: No. I think instinctively I knew it was a fear I had to get over. I wanted to see what I was doing. I wanted to make sure that I was really doing what I thought I was doing. I trusted the people I worked with. I was working with good directors right from the beginning. But I thought it was good for me to know...to understand the camera(懂摄影)-"Oh, that's what a close-up(近景) is. Oh, that's what a wide shot(宽镜头) is"-in terms of my work. "Oh, you can play with a shadow that way(你能用你所知道的去处理阴影). Oh, you can turnsintosthe light and use it(也知道怎样变成灯光来使用。)." And I am amazed that some other actors don't do that(我很奇怪有一些演员不东这些。), to tell you the truth, don't understand what the camera does-what it can do for them.

  RO: I did understand it.

  RG: A lot of it is the kind of part you play. If you're playing the character part-you were terrific in the film. (如果你正在扮演你的角色,你会深入到角色里面去。)

  RO: Yeah, but still. Now I would have...

  RG: But you have to do that, you have to do that-you fit in(你要有准备). But if you're playing the central character in a movie, obviously you can't be giving 100 percent of everything all the time(如果你扮演的是主要角色,你不能总是按角色所需要100%的去做), because you're blowing it in the first ten minutes. You always have to add something in every scene, and if you're not adding something the scene isn't going to be in the movie because the audience is going to be way ahead of you(观众总是会跑在前面。), anyhow.

  RO: Your last movie, Unfaithful, I loved.


  RG: I liked that a lot too. Thank you.

  RO: Diane Lane-unbelievable.

  (注:Diane Lane:《不忠》里的女主角,里面有一场她被强奸的戏,她演的出神入化。)

  RG: I kept saying, "What she does in that film, I've never seen before." Actresses were very afraid of that part(一般的女演员总是害怕这种戏的。).

  RO: Really. Because they thought no one would like that character?

  RG: They wouldn't be liked, and also they were-Diane was very brave(勇敢的) in the sexual territory she went into.

  RO: Totally.

  RG: That's a very difficult place to go. It's very scary(吓人的). She really committed to it. (她做的很好。)

  RO: Yeah. You were great in it too. That scene you look up and see her-like you're thinking something but not saying it, and you think she might...

  RG: It was almost a silent movie. There's very little said in the film. And you realize what a good filmmaker can do. And Adrian (Lyne) was really on top of his game doing that movie. But with a good filmmaker, words become really secondary(对于一个好的电影导演来说,台词不是最重要的). It's the thought process that counts(重要的是思索的阶段). It's what the character thinks and feels.

Brian的英语世界 专题
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关于Brian(2003/01/28/ 20:16)
理察-基尔访谈2(2003/01/26/ 15:46)



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