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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Brian的英语世界 > 理察-基尔访谈2

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/01/26 15:46  新浪教育

  RO:脱口秀主持人   Richard Gere:理察-基尔

  RO: Even without the cover shots? (封面照)

  RG: They didn't care. The sneaks(狗仔队) were going well.

  RO: Was this a big-budget film?

  RG: I said it. Not at all. Everyone did it for much less. Considering what you will see, it should have been a hundred million dollars(就你看到的这个场面,这部电影至少应该花费一个亿的美金).

  RO: And it was done for half that? (实际上却只用到一半?)

  RG: Yeah. When I saw the film, it was just terrific. Catherine (Zeta-Jones  泽塔-琼斯)is fabulous, I said, "Wow. No one is going to believe this is Rob's first movie. They're going to come out and say, 'Who is this guy?swheresdid he come from? Who is this Rob Marshall?" (是的,我看了电影,好极了,泽塔.琼斯太棒了,我说,"喔,没有相信这是罗波的第一部电影,他们都会站出来讲:这个家伙是谁,他从什么地方来的?谁是罗波.马歇尔?")

  RO: It's all there, on Broadway(百老汇). Young kids in the chorus(合唱团) usually have more talent than the biggest stars I have ever met(合唱团的年轻人总是比我见过的顶级明星要更有才华). There is such a wealth of talent...

  RG: ...raw(自然的), generous talent...

  RO: ...on Broadway that can do anything. You know, you find a costume dresser who can do lighting and set design. (在百老汇你会发现很多很全面的人,比如你会发现一个服装设计师实际上可以负责灯光和布景。)

  RG: I know you've worked with Rob Marshall.

  RO: Yeah, we did Seussical(音乐剧名称). He's amazing.

  RG: His people are the best you can get in New York and Los Angeles. And of course, they danced better than all of us.

  RO: Right.

  RG: They sang better than all of us.

  RO: Of course. That's how it works.

  RG: They were incredibly generous, incredibly open(极度开明), not a jealous bone in their body(从他们身上看不见猜疑的成分). I mean, I miss that.

  RO: I do too.

  RG: That sense of...

  RO: ...camaraderie(同志之爱,友情).

  RO: Which makes it easier.

  RG: Well, it's more realistic.

Brian的英语世界 专题
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恋恋风尘(2003/02/09/ 17:42)
姚明立奇功(2003/02/09/ 17:28)
关于Brian(2003/01/28/ 20:16)
理察-基尔访谈3(2003/01/26/ 15:52)



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