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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 360全景英语 > 下岗再就业

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/02/20 18:44  世博英语


  1)He's laid-off!他下岗了!

  be laid-off=be fired=get dismissed.被解雇的.

  --You are the boss! I will listen to you!

  If you say-even you are the boss, you shouldn't talk to me like that!

  --Ok, i will not talk to you like that again. You are fired!


  For Andy, there is nothing that can beat me down. We have the energy, we have the strength, we have the belief. Nothing is impossible!


  2)Every dog has his day!凡人皆有得意时!


  You are a lucky dog!

  --You are really a lucky dog!

  --What made you say that?

  --For you were born in the year of 1976 and in the year of 1977, there was an earthquake in your hometown.

  As long as you have the potentials and capabilities, you will succeed in the end.

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