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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《英语学习》2003年1期 > 《当哈利遇上莎莉》

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/02/24 14:15  《英语学习》




  本段选自When Harry Met Sally(《当哈利遇上莎莉》),由梅格-瑞恩主演。

  在本段的对话中,Sally和Harry正在驱车从Chicago去New York的路上,Sally谈到她去New York打算学journalism,并成为一个reporter。而Harry是一个悲观主义者,他反驳Sally,认为这很不现实,并说她去后会一事无成,会像New York人那样死去——只有“死人味”飘到过道里才有人知晓。Harry这样说是因为,在纽约,住在同一幢楼里的人很少来往,人情味很淡。这段对话中Sally和Harry谈到彼此的个性时用了惟妙惟肖的比喻,如dot their "i"s with little hearts(写“i”这个字母时,把“-”换成“Y”形状);When I buy a book, I always read the last page first等。

  Sally: The story of my life isn't even going to get us out of Chicago<注1>. I mean, nothing's happened to me yet. That's why I'm going to New York.

  Harry: So something will happen to you?

  Sally: Yes.

  Harry: Like what?

  Sally: Like,I'm going to journalism school to become a reporter.

  Harry: So you can write about things that happen to other people.

  Sally: That's one way to look at it<注2>.

  Harry: Suppose nothing happens to you. Suppose you live there your whole life and nothing happens<注3>.You never meet anybody, you never become anything<注4> and finally, you die one of those New York deaths<注5> and no one notices for two weeks until the smell drifts into<注6> the hallway.

  Sally: Amanda mentioned you have a dark side<注7>.

  Harry: That' what drew her to<注8> me.

  Sally: Your dark side?

  Harry: Sure. Why? Don't you have a dark side? No, you're probably one of those cheerful people that dot their "i "s with little hearts<注9>.

  Sally: I have just as much a dark side as the next person<注10>.

  Harry: Oh, really? When I buy a new book, I always read the last page first. That way, in case I die before I finish. I know how it ends. That, my friend, is a dark side.

  Sally: That doesn't mean you're deeper or anything<注11>. I mean, yes, basically I'm a happy person.

  Harry: So am I.

  Sally: And I don't see that there's anything wrong with that.

  Harry: Of course not, you're too busy being happy. Do you ever think about death?

  Sally: Yes.

  Harry: Sure you do. A fleeting<注12> thought that drifts<注13> in and out of the transom of your mind<注14>. I spend hours<注15>. I spend days<注16>.

  Sally: And you think this makes you a better person?

  Harry: No. When the shit comes down<注17>, I'm going to be prepared, and you're not. That's all I'm saying.

  Sally: And in the meantime, you're going to ruin you whole life waiting for it<注18>.

英语学习论坛】【评论】【 】【打印】【关闭

1. get us out of Chicago : the time it takes to drive out of Chicago.

2. That's one way to look at it: you are not wrong in saying that.

3. nothing happens : nothing exciting or important happens.

4. become anything : become something important, special.

5. New York deaths : die in a large city where no one knows you are dead.

6. drifts into: comes into, travels into.

7. have a dark side: very pessimistic, likes to think about anything concerning death.

8. drew her to: attracted her to.

9. that dot their "i"s with little hearts: to dot "i"s with hearts is considered childish and only very naive girls do that.

10. as the next person: as anybody else, as everybody else.

11. deeper or anything: philosophical, smarter.

12. fleeting: a short time, very quickly.

13. drifts: comes, travels quickly.

14. transom of your mind: a small window or opening of your mind.

15. hours: many hours, a long time.

16. days: exaggerating the amount of time spent, a way to say a very long time.

17. when the shit comes down: when death comes.

18. it: death.


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