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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 360全景英语 > 为往事干杯

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/02/28 10:03  世博英语


  1. It is a small world!世界真小!

  这句话比较简单!就是按照字面意思翻译过来的!但是呢,使用的时候大家要注意了!Under the literal meaning of this sentence, we have something special in it. for example:

  Years later, you are reading a book in the library of Kansas University. Surpringly, when you are leaving, you notice there is a Chinese student who is sitting in front of you and who has a quite familiar appearance.当你在国外的大学图书馆里面看到一个熟悉的面孔的时候,你感到很吃惊,后来发现原来做在你对面的那个学生就是你的高中同学的时候,你可以感慨的说:It is a small world. We should meet here in abroad! what a surprise!世界真小,我们竟然在这里见面,真的出乎我的意料!这种场合确实令人激动!

  But we have another occasion.还有另外一种场合,那就是当你和你的仇家狭路相逢在独木桥的时候,你也会尴尬的说,It is a small world.看来少不了一场战斗了。好,请记下这么简短的一句话。

  2. Let's drink to our friendship!为友谊干杯!

  Here is a sentence to wish the good friendship would keep forever!



  Let's drink to your health.

  Just now, we said that two senior high school classmates met each other on a campus in abroad. At that time, they would probably go to a bar to drink and share the stories of their study and life.刚才在讲解上面句子的时候我们说到了两个高中生在异国见面。那么我想他们会到酒吧小聚一次!共同分享他们过去的生活和学习的经历。其间如果喝上一杯红酒,可能就要用上我们这里学习的句子Let's drink to our friendship!

  Now, we'll just stop here for today! May you have a lot of acquaintainces and good friends. And wish your friendship would keep forever!


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