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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 360全景英语 > 分手总要在雨天

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/03/05 09:43  世博英语

  兩淅淅沥沥的下着,油纸伞下漂亮的女孩转身而逝,只留下茫然的男主角望着她远去的背景…多感伤的分手!可你知道英文分手怎么说吗?break up with someone.

  Break意思很多,主要指打破或停止的意思,即stop,put an end to。Break up本身也是一个片语,用的很普遍,指finish, stop happening.与某人(with someone)停止了,意思就是指分手了。很好理解的吧!注意介系词用的是with哦!下面我们将看一个例子,之前,先看一个生词mortal blow,意思是致命的打击。

  Rose and Jim have been dating for five years. There is a serious obstacle on the path to marriage though they like each other so much. As a painter, Jim has no big house or furniture. All in all, he has no money. He is afraid that Rose will break up with him, which can be a mortal blow.


  在第十三讲中,我们曾学过一个与break相关的片语,break one's word,意思是失言,不守信的意思。这里顺便复习一下,你还记得吗?

  下面我们来学习这一讲的第二个片语cut the apron strings.


  An apron is something one wears in the kitchen insgroupsto keep their clothes clean. A piece of cloth hangs in the front. Two strings are attached to the cloth and are tied around the body at the waist. Being tied to one's mother's apron strings means that you have not grown up or have not become independent of your mother. Therefore, to cut the apron strings means to become independent of one's mother.


  Our parents have much more knowledge and experience than we do, so we should respect their advice when deciding important things instead of cutting the apron strings.



  After Sam going to college, he couldn't deal with all things very well, and always called her mother every day. he can't cut the apron strings.


  Ok, that's all for today,今天我们学习了两个片语,break up with someone意思是分手,cut the apron strings意思是切断父母的影响,俗话说恋母情结的人惹人烦,所以要独立起来,做一个自主的男人吧!


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