脱完了衣服 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/03/12 09:54 世博英语 |
很喜欢看古装小说,那种为朋友两肋插刀的英雄豪杰是多么令人佩服,英语中也有类似的表达哦!那就是give someone the shirt off one's back。 片语give someone the shirt off one's back意思是为某人竭尽所能(的帮助某人)。你看,把自己的衬衫都给了别人,衣服都脱完,背都露出来了,是不是算已竭尽所能了?如: Gord is a kind and generous man. He'd like to give people the shirt off his back. Once a co-worker got really sick. Gord gave a lot of money to him. (译文:Gord是个心地善良且慷慨的人,他会竭尽所能的帮助别人的。他的一个同事曾经病得很重,他就给了许多钱给那个同事) A true friend is someone who'll give you the shirt off his back when you are in serious trouble. (译文:一个真正的朋友就是会在你最困难的时候竭尽所能的帮助你) 所谓患难真情(a friend in need is a friend indeed),真正的朋友只有在你需要的时候就才看得出来,有时朋友还会为你而赔上一切呢,现在让我们就来学习第二个片语吧,请问“赔上一切,破产”该怎么说? 先看一个例句: Tim got a great success in his business and earned more money. But money burned a hole in his pocket. Not long ago, he began gambling at card games and MaJiang games. Now he has lost his shirt. (译文:Tim在生意上取得了很大的成功,但钱在口袋里留不住,不久前他开始赌扑克牌和麻将,现在已经分文不剩了。) 对了,lose one's shirt means to lose all his money and property for some reasons.让我们再发挥一下我们的想象力吧![let something(our imagination) run wild,这个片语以前讲过哦!这里复习一下],如果一个人连shirt都没有(lose)了,你说他穷不穷呢!多半是赔了一切,或破产了嘛! (你还记得burn a hole in one's pocket是什么意思吗?在前面几讲我们介绍过的,对了是钱在口袋里留不住的意思哦,这里再复习一下。) Bart was sentenced to five years in jail for accounting cheats. And he has lost his shirt now. He is deeply repentant of it. (译文:Bart因财务欺诈而被判入狱五年,一切都完了,他非常后悔。) 人都会犯错误的,关键是要知过悔改,这不,Bart入狱后,他的父母并没有放弃对他的关心,鼓励他重新做人,他也决定奋发图强,出狱后,勒紧腰带重新创业。在下一讲里我们就要介绍“奋发图强”和“勒紧腰带”怎么说哦!See you. (本栏目是由世博英语(360abc.com)lifubingg原创编写,取材新颖,所讲习语全部选自最流行最时尚的美语.世博英语保留一切权利!未经书面授权,请勿转载!) |
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