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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 360全景英语 > 我是一条幸运的狗

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/03/19 09:41  世博英语


  Last time, we have learned a sentence: I am a poor fish! Of course, no one wants to be a poor fish, so this time andy will teach you another sentence which has the opposite meaning!这次我们来看看幸运儿的故事:

  1. I am a lucky dog.我是一位幸运儿!

  I am not sure whether you can still recall a program that we made at the beginning of ABC. When I was saying that I was born in the year of 1977, I said that I was a lucky dog.我当时曾经提到过,因为我出生在1977年,所以我是一个幸运儿!The reason is that in the year of 1976, there was an earthquake in my hometown.

  a lucky dog:字面意思是一只幸运的狗,事实上意思是幸运儿!但是呢,很多中国人见到dog这个词的时候,经常会联想到不好的东西!In America, as a matter of fact, the word "dog" has nothing to do with bad things. It is usually considered as a lovely pet!下面就是一个发生幸运儿Andy身上的故事:

  In our school, the president had decided to send some teachers abroad to further their study. Upon hearing this, a lot of teachers tried all means to get such an opportunity, while Andy kept silent and thought that it was impossible for him to get it. You know what? Andy was chosen! He was really a lucky dog!


  2. I am flat broke.我身无分文。

  出国是可以的,但是不可以没有money。Even Andy has got such an opportunity to go abroad, he still couldn't afford to pay such high tuition for his study. Thinking about this, Andy refused to go.多好的一次出国机会,但是由于Andy身无分文,也不得不拒绝这样的恩赐!So now you can hear Andy is talking about this with the president in the office:

  You know, I am flat broke. I do not have any money in my pocket. How could I finish my study? So I have to refuse.真的是有些可惜,但是也没有办法,校长总不会拿出几十万的金钱送你出国吧?

  下面我们来看一下这个句子: be flat broke中broke很明显是从break变过来的,break表示破碎,所以broke在这里的意思就是破产的,而flat这个词做形容词的意思是:平坦的,扁平的;副词就是完全的,彻底的,所以flat broke的意思就是"彻底破产,身无分文!"

  Suppose we have gambler here. He goes to the casino everyday and he lost all his money and got flat broke. Even worse, his wife left him.这样的赌徒得到这样的下场是罪有应得!

  好了我们祝愿各位腰包鼓鼓;生活幸福!Let's call it a day and see you next time!


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