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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/03/19 09:47  世博英语

  In Rebuff to U.N., Bush Vows to Attack


  【注释】rebuff,“an unkind or unfriendly answer to a suggestion, request or offer of help or friendship, snub(对建议、要求或提供帮助、友谊所表示的)拒绝,冷落”:Our request for support met with an unexpected rebuff.我们请求支持,却遭到了意想不到的拒绝。这个词还可以作动词,意思相同:She rebuffed all suggestions that she should resign.她拒绝了所有要求她辞职的建议。

  WASHINGTON -- President Bush tonight gave Saddam Hussein a 48-hour deadline to flee Iraq or face a U.S.-led invasion. "The tyrant will soon be gone," Bush vowed as 250,000 American troops stood poised to strike.


  【注释】deadline,“截止日期,最后期限”:I'm working to a deadline.我必须在规定日期之前完成工作。Can you meet the deadline?你能在最后期限之前完成吗?与此相反的是miss the deadline,超过最后期限。在“stood poised to strike”中poised的意思是“in a state of readiness to act or move准备行动的”,除此之外,还有(1)“在不稳定状态中的”:The sick man is poised between life and death.那病人处于生死边缘;(2)“小心地平衡着的”:She sat poised on the edge of her chair as if ready to go.她欠身坐在椅子边上,好象准备随时离开;(3)“沉着的,镇静的”:a poised manner沉着的态度。

  As Bush put the nation on war footing, he also raised the terror alert to the second-highest level, warning that terrorists may strike U.S. interests at home or abroad in response to action against Iraq.


  【注释】footing,“a particular kind of position or base地位,基础”:I like to keep my relationship with colleagues on a business footing; it doesn't do to get too friendly.我喜欢与我的同事保持公事公办的关系,太友好了不行。

  Bush issued his ultimatum after U.N. allies refused to back his bid for a resolution sanctioning military force. The diplomatic defeat forced Bush to move toward war accompanied by Britain, Spain, Australia and a handful of other nations in his self-described "coalition of the willing."


  【注释】ultimatum,“最后通牒”:On Wednesday night the UN issued its toughest ultimatum to date, demanding that all troops withdraw from the city.星期三晚间联合国发出了到目前为止最强硬的最后通牒,要求所有军队从城内撤出。sanction,“批准,同意,支持”:The church would not sanction the king's second marriage.教会不会批准国王第二次结婚。作名词时,它的意思是“制裁”:Western nations imposed tough sanctions on the rebel regime.西方各国对那个反叛者政权加以严厉制裁。


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