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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《王强口语》第一册 > Lesson Five之对话篇

Lesson Five之对话篇
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/03/28 12:40  新浪教育
  Short Conversations (短对话)

  Read aloud the conversation two times, and then listen to the tape without looking at the text.
  Peace on False Pretences

  Whittaker: The problem might be that you tried to make peace1 on false pretences2.

  Connie: False what?

  Whittaker: Pretences. It's uh, well…well, let me put it another way3. You tried to make peace by ignoring4 the source of the conflict5 rather than6 resolving7 it.

  Connie: What does that mean?

  Whittaker: You expected Donna and Jessie to apologize for8 saying things that may well9 be true. Donna might be a take-charge10 kind of person, so Jessie isn't actually wrong when she says so. And maybe Jessie really isn't very organized, so…

  Connie: Donna isn't wrong for saying so, either. Yeah, I get it.

  Whittaker: Well, there's no place for11 name-calling12. But there's also no point13 in making them apologize for being right about each other. Even if they did apologize, it wouldn't bring lasting14 peace. Sooner or later15, it would all come up16 again.

  Connie: Well, then what are you saying I should do?

  Whittaker: Well, I suppose before you try to get them to make up with each other, you need to make your own peace with them.


  1.make peace:讲和

  用法:She needs your help. It's a good opportunity to make peace with her.



  3.put it another way:换种说法来说


  用法:I taught her to ignore insulting remarks.



  6.rather than:而不是

  用法: I think I'd rather stay home this evening than go out.



  用法:These issues will have to be left to fate and chance to resolve.


  8.apologize for:为…道歉

  用法:I endeavored to apologize for the accident, but it was evident that these books which I had so unfortunately maltreated were very precious objects in the eyes of their owner.


  9.may well:(有充分的理由)(完全)可能

  用法:His opinions are candid that may well have been a little irritating.


  10.take-charge:负责 (源于take charge (of) 短语)

  用法:She is the youngest manager who takes charge of the overseas business in the company.


  11.be no place for …:没有…的余地,决不可以…

  用法:There was no place for doubt.


  12.name-calling:骂人 (源于call sb. names)

  用法:He started to call me names when I showed disagreement to his idea.


  13.no point:没有意义,没有必要

  用法:There's no point arguing with your boss -- just do as you're told.


  14.lasting: 永久的,持久的

  用法:Love and war is the lasting topic of film.


  15.sooner or later:迟早

  用法:Sooner or later your mother will find the secret that you cheat on the exam.


  16.come up:发生

  用法:I presume it is not this old tragedy that has come up again?


  Long Conversations (长对话)

  1.Conversations: (Find a partner and practice these dialogues.)

  Carl:(Seeing Victor passing by angrily) Victor's still burning about that wallpaper bit, Bobbie!

  Bobbie:Well, we got him out…and I did apologize!

  Carl:Yeah, but you know Victor…He likes to get even.

  Victor:(Shouting at Bobbie) How about playing me, Bobbie! Or are you chicken?

  Bobbie:Of course not!

  Carl:He's a good player! Maybe you should think twice about this! And if you do play, remember, it's no big deal if he beats you. Matter of fact, when he serves up that killer swing, get out of the way.

  Bobbie:What sort of nutty1 pep2 talk is this? I'm going out there and I plan to win! I know he's good, but I'll play to his weakness!

  Carl:Then, good luck!

  B:(They start playing. Victor serves first.)

  Bobbie:Wow! Nice serve, Victor!

  Victor: The idea is to hit it back3, Bobbie!

  Bobbie:Fantastic job, Victor!

  (Victor serves again.)

  Bobbie:Wow! Beautiful backhand4! Amazing power!

  Victor:Ready to quit?

  Bobbie: Oh no! I'm enjoying this. (Saying to herself) This game isn't won with hands or feet. It's won with the head!

  C:(Bobbie starts to make a fool of Victor by jumping around and shouting.)

  Bobbie: Man! Nice going, Victor! You're sensational5! Oh! Nice shot!

  Victor:She's driving me crazy! I've got all the points, but that jerk6'sshavingsall the fun!

  (Shouting at Bobbie) I've thrown my best shots at you and you're still smiling! I can't take it anymore! I quit! (Victor left.)

  Carl:Victor forfeited, Bobbie! You win, Bobbie!

  Bobbie: (Smiles) Life's a lot like Tennis…It's the comeback7 that counts!


  1. nutty: frantic and fervent or enthusiastic about something狂热的、疯狂的、愚蠢的 

  用法:The football fans were a//group//of nutty guys. 


  2. pep: vigor 活力, 精力,劲头

  用法:I'm always full of pep at night. 


  3. hit...back: fight back and resist severely反击 

  用法:The Belgium team hit the American team back in the second part of the football match and as a result tied with the American team. 


  4. backhand: 反手击球 (forehand 正手击球)

  5. sensational: outstanding and fantastic非常好的 

  用法:The football game is sensational. 


  6. jerk: (骂人的话)a foolish, stupid person 混蛋,蠢货(相当于说:an idiot; a dope)

  7. comeback: recovery 恢复, 复原

  用法:The city made a splendid comeback. 

  Exercise: Turn the three mini-dialogues //into// ONE descriptive narrative. Use only indirect speech.
  Lesson Five相关链接
  Lesson Five之习语篇
  Lesson Five之定义篇
  Lesson Five之抢答篇

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