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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/04/02 10:47  寄托天下






  GRE Program Announces Test Dates and Test Fee for the Split-Test Administration of the GRE General Test in China, including Hong Kong, Korea, and Taiwan

  Students in China, including Hong Kong, Korea, and Taiwan will have two opportunities in the 2003-04 testing year to take the paper-based portion of the GRE General Test. The two paper-based test administrations will be October 25, 2003 and June 12, 2004. The test fee for the split-test administration will be $175. Read the details:

  GRE General Test To Be Delivered in Two Formats in Greater China and Korea Analytical Writing to be offered on Computer, Verbal and Quantitative Sections Paper-based

  Princeton, N.J. (March 7, 2003) -- Educational Testing Service (ETS) announced today that the GRE General Test will be delivered in two parts in greater China and Korea, beginning July 1, 2003.

  At the request of U.S. graduate deans who comprise the GRE Board, the Analytical Writing measure will be delivered on computer through ETS's computer-based testing (CBT) network. The Verbal and Quantitative measures will be delivered in paper-based format.

  Under the new plan, test takers will be required to take both the computer- based and paper-based parts of the split General Test in the same testing year, and must take the computer-based Analytical Writing portion first. A choice of two paper-based administrations will be offered during the 2003- 04 testing year, spaced out so as to minimize congestion in the CBT centers.

  "The return of computer-based testing for the Analytical Writing section of the GRE General Test will be a great advantage for test takers," explains John Yopp, vice president of the Graduate and Professional Education Division. "Test takers in these areas will join the rest of the world in word processing their essay responses on computer, and we will avoid any difficulties that hand-written essays create."

  Company officials explained that test takers will pay for the entire General Test and schedule an appointment for the computer-based Analytical Writing measure through the Prometric Regional Registration Center (using the current CBT registration process). At the CBT session, the candidate will complete the Background Information Questions, select test score recipients, and select their paper-based test administration date.

  Once the candidate takes the Analytical Writing measure and test data are transmitted to ETS, a registration number and admission ticket for the paper-based administration of the Verbal and Quantitative measures will be generated and mailed to the candidate. After the paper-based portion is completed, scores will be reported within six weeks.

  Officials emphasized that examinees must take both the computer-based Analytical Writing measure and the paper-based Verbal and Quantitative measures in order to receive General Test scores. If test takers take only the computer-based Analytical Writing section, their analytical writing score will not be reportable. Also, test takers must take the computer- based Analytical Writing measure at least six weeks before the paper-based administration of the Verbal and Quantitative measures to ensure that a sufficient number of test books are available at the test center. General Test scores will not be reportable until all three test sections (Verbal, Quantitative, and Analytical Writing) are completed.

  Yopp adds that during the November 2002 administration of the paper-based GRE General Test, several hundred essays could not be read because of insufficient quality in the conversion of handwriting to digital images. "Returning to word processing instead of handwriting should eliminate this," Yopp says.

  For additional details on the new testing process, read the question and answer section on the GRE Web site.


  Q&A for the Split-Test Administration of the GRE General Test in China, including Hong Kong, Korea, and Taiwan

  How will this split-test administration work?

  Under the new plan, the General Test will be offered in two parts. The Analytical Writing section will be offered on computer; the Verbal and Quantitative sections will be offered at a paper-based administration. Test takers will be required to take both the computer-based and paper-based parts of the GRE General Test in the same testing year, and must take the computer-based Analytical Writing portion first. A choice of two paper- based administrations will be offered during the 2003-04 testing year, spaced out so as to minimize congestion in the computer-based test (CBT) centers.

  Why is ETS going to a split-test administration of the GRE General Test?

  ETS is going to a split-test administration to restore the validity of scores for students in these regions. The paper-based Verbal and Quantitative sections that are administered will be retired from use after each administration, thereby removing the unfair advantage some past students gained by memorizing questions in advance of the test. The Analytical Writing section will be administered on computer. Test takers will word process their essay responses so that the responses can be reviewed by ETS Essay Similarity Detection (ESD) software. The software will ensure that every scored essay has a high degree of original critical thinking and analytical writing. All test takers benefit when ETS can assure admissions decision makers of the validity of test scores.

  Can test takers take the Verbal and Quantitative sections first and then take the Analytical Writing section?

  No, test takers must take the Analytical Writing section first.

  When will the paper-based Verbal and Quantitative sections be offered? 

  The two paper test administrations will be October 25, 2003 and June 12, 2004.

  What is the test fee?

  The test fee will be $175, which is $35 more than the current foreign test fee to cover additional costs for a split-test administration. The candidate will pay for the entire test at the time they register to take the CBT Analytical Writing section.

  How do you register for GRE General Test in these regions?

  The candidate should schedule an appointment for the CBT Analytical Writing measure through the Prometric Regional Registration Center (See Bulletin Supplement which will be available on the GRE Web site on May 1, 2003).

  How do test takers schedule their Verbal and Quantitative testing appointments?

  At the CBT Analytical Writing session, the candidate will complete the Background Information Questions, select score recipients, and select a paper-based test date and test center. Once the candidate takes the CBT Analytical Writing section and test data are transmitted to ETS, a registration number and admission ticket for the paper-based administration of the Verbal and Quantitative measures will be generated and mailed to the candidate.

  Will Analytical Writing scores be reported separately from Verbal and Quantitative scores to schools and colleges?

  No. Scores on the General Test will not be reported to candidates or institutions until all three sections of the test have been completed. Scores for the General Test will be reported within six weeks after the paper-based administration is completed.

  How soon can I take the CBT Analytical Writing section?

  The CBT Analytical Writing section will be offered beginning July 1, 2003 (candidates may schedule appointments beginning May 1, 2003). The test will be offered at all existing CBT centers in China, including Hong Kong, Korea, and Taiwan.

  Can test takers take the CBT and paper-based portions of the test in different years?

  No. Candidates must take both administrations in the same testing year (i.e. between July 1 and June 30).

  If the test taker takes only the Analytical Writing portion will Analytical Writing scores be reported?

  No. Scores will not be reportable until all three test sections (Analytical Writing, Verbal, and Quantitative) are completed.

  How soon must test takers take the Analytical Writing section before the paper-based Verbal and Quantitative testing dates?

  Candidates must take the CBT Analytical Writing session at least six weeks before the paper-based Verbal and Quantitative administration to allow time for admission tickets to be mailed to candidates, test books to be mailed to the test centers, and so forth. Therefore, candidates wishing to test at the October 2003 paper administration must take the CBT Analytical Writing section between July 1, 2003 and September 13, 2003. Those wishing to take the paper-based test in June 2004 must take the CBT Analytical Writing section between July 1, 2003 and May 1, 2004.

  How long will the test session for the CBT Analytical Writing section take?

  The CBT Analytical Writing session will be a total of two hours.

  Can I handwrite my essay responses at the CBT test center?

  No, you will be required to word process your essay responses at the CBT test session. Beginning July 1, 2003, all test takers at CBT centers worldwide will be required to word process their essay responses on the GRE Analytical Writing section in order to enable use of the Essay Similarity Detection (ESD) software.

  How long will the paper-based Verbal and Quantitative sections take?

  The paper-based test session will be a total of two and a half hours.

  Are there test preparation materials available?

  The GRE Program will send each test registrant test preparation materials upon receipt of the registration information. Typically, it takes up to four weeks to receive the material. The material can also be downloaded free-of-charge from the GRE Web site at www.gre.org/pracmats.html.

  Can test takers reschedule their test administrations if they need to?

  Rescheduling will be allowed, but candidates will pay a $40 fee if they reschedule CBT and/or paper-based administrations, according to GRE policies (see 2003-04 GRE Bulletin Supplement).

  What about getting a refund?

  Candidates who cancel 7 days prior to the CBT Analytical Writing test date will receive a partial refund of $60 (same as General Test). Candidates who take the CBT Analytical Writing section and then cancel the paper-based test 7 days before the paper-based date will receive a $35 refund.

  How many times can I take the CBT Analytical Writing section? 

  It depends on whether or not you choose to report your scores or cancel them at the end of the test session. Only two complete sets of General Test scores can be reported during the 2003-04 testing year.

  If you choose to report your scores at the end of the CBT Analytical Writing session, you will be registered for the paper-based test date that you chose at the beginning of the test session. Your scores on all 3 sections of the General Test will be reported after you have completed the paper-based section of the test. If you register to take the Analytical Writing section of the General Test a second time, and choose to report your scores, you must take the paper-based section of the test on the second paper-based test date. If you take the Analytical Writing section a third time, you can not take a paper-based test because there are only two paper-based test dates, and your test fee will be forfeited.

  If you choose to cancel your Analytical Writing scores at the end of a test session, your registration for the paper-based test date that you chose will be cancelled as well and your test fee will be forfeited. You may then register and pay to take the GRE General Test again and select any paper- based test date.

  You may take the CBT Analytical Writing section once per calendar month up to 5 times in a 12 month-period. This applies even if you cancelled your scores on a test taken previously.

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