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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/04/11 15:29  新浪教育

  Bush, Putin Conflict Over Iraq War


  Russia is putting U.S. troops at risk in Iraq by selling antitank guided missiles, jamming devices and night-vision goggles to Baghdad, the Bush administration said Monday in a growing rift with Moscow.


  President Bush raised the issue in a tense telephone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin , who in turn charged that the United States was creating "a humanitarian catastrophe" in Iraq.


  It was the latest flare-up in a recently bumpy relationship between Washington and Moscow over issues ranging from missile-defense plans to NATO expansion. Russia sided with France and Germany to block a Bush-backed U.N. resolution sanctioning military conflict to disarm Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.


  After months of monitoring sales to Iraq, the United States received information in the past 48 hours about "the kind of equipment that will put our men and women in harm's way," Secretary of State Colin Powell said Monday on Fox News Channel.


  Later, he told Britain's Sky News that he hoped to convey the information to Moscow. Asked if he is certain the equipment was in Iraq, Powell replied: "Yes."稍后,他告诉英国天空新闻,希望把这一信息传递给莫斯科,当问到他是否确定这些设备在伊拉克时候,鲍威尔回答:"是的"。

  White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said there was "ongoing cooperation and support to Iraqi military forces being provided by a Russian company that produces GPS jamming equipment." The technology blocks satellite signals that guide bombs, missiles and even troop movements.

  白宫新闻发言人Ari Fleischer称:"发现有生产全球定位系统(GPS)干扰设备的俄罗斯公司正与伊拉克军方合作并给伊提供支持。"这种技术将破坏用来轰炸、导弹巡航、军事行动的卫星信号。

  Asked if the items were being used against U.S. troops, Fleischer said, "They were not provided for the purpose of sitting on shelves."


  In particular, U.S. officials alleged Russian technicians were in Iraq during the last few weeks to provide technical support for the GPS jammers. The technicians were from a Russian private company, not the government.


  However, Maj. Gen. Stanley McChrystal told reporters at the Pentagon that the jamming devices had not hurt U.S. troops on the battlefield thus far.

  但是,Gen. Stanley McChrystal少校在五角大楼告诉记者们,这些干扰器至今并没有破坏美军部队的行动。

  Fleischer said the United States also is concerned that Russian firms have sold night-vision goggles and anti-tank guided missiles to Iraq.


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