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Lesson Ten之对话篇
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/04/16 13:26  新浪教育
  Short Conversations (短对话)

  Read aloud the concersation two times, and then listen to the tape without looking at the text.

  The Electric Palace Unveiled

  Rodney Rathbone: I thought I saw you over here.

  Lucy: Robbie Rathbone, you scared me1!

  Rodney: Why? Doing something you're not supposed to2 be doing? 

  Lucy: No. What are you doing here?

  Rodney: I live around the corner3. What are you doing here? You live across town4.

  Lucy: I'm here for a good reason and that's none of your business5.

  Rodney: Yeah? Well you better not be messing up6 the place. My dad wouldn't like it.

  Lucy: First of all, this is a construction site7. It's already a mess. And second, what does your dad have to do with this? Is he some sort of litter8 monitor or something?

  Rodney: No. He's not some sort of litter monitor or something.

  Lucy: Then why should he care if this place gets messed up or not?

  Rodney: Because it's his new business site, that's why.

  Lucy: What?

  Rodney: You heard me. You're looking at the site of the Rathbone's new business: The Electric Palace.

  Lucy: Oh no.


  1.scared me:吓我一跳

  用法:A noise from the tomb scared me.


  2.be supposed to:应该,必须,被期望

  用法:Athletes who competed in the Olympic Games were supposed to be amateurs.


  3.around the corner:在附近(不能理解成住在街的拐角处)

  用法:They only live just around the corner ---so we see them all the time.


  4.live across town:live on the other side of the town本句指虽住在同一个镇上但彼此相隔的距离很远,相当于说:我住在镇的这头你住在镇的那头。在美国,town小于city大于village。

  5.none of your business:不干你的事。类似说法有:have nothing to do with you

  用法: They are teaching their children; it's none of your business.


  6.mess up:搞糟。在下文的"It's already a mess."中mess意为"一团糟"。

  用法(1) How could you mess things up so badly in one day?


  (2)The house is a mess and I'm supposed to have friends to dinner tonight.


  A construction site:建筑工地

  用法:On a construction site, everyone is required to wear a hard cap.


  litter: n.(四处)乱扔垃圾,乱糟糟不整洁的状况。litter monitor意谓制止乱丢垃圾的监督员。

  用法:He is a litterbug. He never uses a litterbag to hold trash.他是个喜欢在公共场所乱丢垃圾的人,他从来不用小垃圾袋来装垃圾。

  Long Conversations (长对话)

  1.Conversations: (Find a partner and practice these dialogues.)


  Dad: No! You are not going on a vacation1 by yourself! I forbid2 it!

  Claire: Dad! I'm a big girl now! Besides, it's only for four days!

  Mom: I need a vacation! You two have been at this all week!

  Dad: No more of this…I'm finished!

  Claire: And I'm packed3! My plane leaves in two hours for Port of Palms.

  Dad: (Sighing) All right, you win! You're off on your own. Let me call you a cab.

  Mom: And you can call me astonished4!

  Claire: That's my dad!

  B: (Ten minutes later, a cab arrives.)

  Claire: Bye, Mom and Dad!

  Mom: (Saying to Dad) You certainly relented5 in a hurry! You used to be so over- protective of your daughter.

  Dad: I still am, my dear. That is not an ordinary cab and driver I've called…I had this planned! My man, Alex is at the wheel6. He's a master of disguise7 and he'll follow Claire everywhere.

  Mom: Good grief!

  C: (In the cab)

  Claire: (Sitting in the back seat) Hmm! Cool shades! Imported Super-Egos! Uncommonly expensive. Rarely seen on cabbies!

  (Claire steps out of the cab and walks to the terminal8 building.)

  Alex: Take the cab back, Henry!

  Henry: Good luck, Alex!

  D: (In the coach of the plane)

  Claire: There's another pair of those imported Super-Egos on that redheaded9 man! What a coincidence! Yeah, coincidence?

  (Claire arrives at the beach.)

  Claire: Those disguises don't fool me! I'm sure dad's sent "Mr. Sunglasses" to watch over me!

  (Day Four)

  Claire: This is my last day and it calls for a donkey cart ride up to the famous Fort Ford that once guarded Oyster Bay. Maybe I can do this alone! Forget it! Hmm…I noticed our "guide" removed his Super-Egos while walking us up through Queen Vic Tunnel. I'm gonna show dad two can play this game!

  Claire: (Reaching for the sunglasses left by Alex and shouting to Alex)Oops! S'cuse me10! Dropped my purse!

  Alex: (Turning around) My sunglasses! I can't reveal11 my identity12. (Without being able to find his sunglasses ,Alex has to cover his head with a straw-hat13.)

  Claire: Looks like our guide's afraid of sunstroke14!

  (Arriving at the hometown airport)

  Claire: Cabbie! Take me to Macy's Department Store and please wait for me.

  Alex: (Calls Claire's Dad on the phone) Sir, I broke off surveillance15 when she entered Macy's. She should be home shortly.

  (Claire's dad and Alex rush back home.)

  Dad: Claire!

  Mom: Yes, Claire came home a while ago and she was watching TV up in the west den.

  (They runsintosthe den and see that Claire is sitting on the couch with her back turned towards them.)

  Dad: Oh, princess, I want you to meet somebody, as I have a little joke to share with you.

  Alex: (Shouting to Claire's dad surprisingly) Sir, there's just a dummy16 here, holding a piece of paper in the hand!

  Dad: Hand it to me, Alex! (Reading the note) Dad, dear, this dress looks much better on the mannequin17, so I bought it too! I'm off on a real vacation of undisclosed18 destination. Love, Claire.


  1 go on a vacation:去度假

  用法:The thief stole all the things from the family when they went on a vacation to the sea.当这家人去海上度假时,小偷偷光了他们家所有的东西。

  2 forbid:禁止、不同意

  用法:Smoking is forbidden here.此处禁止吸烟。

  3 packed:打好行装的

  用法:I'm busy packing for New York.我正忙着为去纽约打点行装。

  4 astonished: surprised惊讶的

  5 relented:心变软的

  6 at the wheel:握方向盘(驾驶)

  用法:We decided to take turns at the wheel.我们决定大家轮流开车。

  7 disguise:伪装

  用法:His friends can't recognize him with the disguise.他伪装的特别好,他的朋友们都认不出他了。


  9redheaded: red-haired红头发的

  10S'cuse me:即Excuse me的缩略形式

  11reveal: to disclose; to make known暴露

  用法:He doesn't want to reveal the secret about his past.他不想暴露他过去的隐秘。

  12identity: the state or fact of showing who a person is身份

  用法:An identity card is a plastic card with your name, date of birth, photograph or other information on it that proves who you are.身份证是一张塑料卡片,上面印有一个人的姓名、出生日期、像片或其它信息,用来证明一个人的身份。


  14sunstroke: a disease caused by the excessive exposure to sun中暑

  15surveillance: supervision and monitor监视,监督

  用法:The suspect was placed under around-the-clock surveillance.嫌疑犯被全天候地监视着。


  用法:There are many finely dressed dummies in the shopwindow.


  17mannequin: (用硬塑料等做的)人体模型


  用法:The secret should be kept undisclosed otherwise unexpected results would be got.这个秘密不能泄露否则意想不到的结果就会产生。

  Exercise: Turn the four mini-dialoguessintos ONE descriptive narrative. Use only indirect speech.

  Lesson Ten相关链接
  Lesson Ten之习语篇
  Lesson Ten之定义篇
  Lesson Ten之抢答篇

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