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Lesson Ten之定义篇
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/04/16 13:34  新浪教育
  1.bed (n.)

  A bed is a piece of furniture1 on which one may sleep or rest.

  2.donkey (n.)

  A donkey is an animal related to but smaller than the horse that has short hair in mane2

  and tail and very large ears.

  3.enjoy (v.)

  To enjoy is to take pleasure or satisfaction3 in doing things.

  4.obey (v.)

  To obey is to follow the commands or guidance4 of other people.

  5.beautiful (adj.)

  Beautiful meansshavingsqualities5 of beauty or giving pleasure to the mind or senses6.

  6.objective (adj.)

  Objective means being outside of the mind and independent7 of it.

  7.perfectly (adv.)

  Perfectly means in exactly the way desired or required.

  8.occasionally (adv.)

  Occasionally means from time to time.

  Exercise :

  Accurately define the following terms.

  1. Behavior8 (n.行为):way/ conducts9

  2. menu10 (n.菜单):dishes/ meal

  3. polish (v.磨光、擦亮):smooth/ glossy11 /rubbing12

  4. stay (v.站住、停止):going forward

  5. naked (adj.裸体的):clothes

  6. noisy (adj.嘈杂的、喧闹的):sound


  1.furniture: (n.)家具

  辨析:furniture为集合名词,不用复数形式。如:buy some furniture for the new house为新房子买些家具;若表示具体数目,前加量词,如:a piece of furniture一件家具,a set of furniture一套家具;英文中还有furnishing一词用复数时也指家具(包括地毯、窗帘在内),如:Rich furnishings give elegance to the room.华美的家具装饰为房间增加了优雅。

  用法:(1) costly furniture昂贵的家具

  (2) antique and modern furniture古代和近代的家具

  (3) second -hand furniture二手家具

  (4) to dust the furniture给家具掸灰

  (5) to move the furniture into…把家具搬进……

  (6) tosgroupsnew furniture预订新家具

  (7) to remove furniture把家具搬走

  2.mane: (n.)(马、狮子等脖子背后的)鬃毛

  3.satisfaction: (n.)满意,满足

  相关:satisfy (v.)(使)满足,(使)满肯定;satisfied (a.)(感到)满意的;satisfying (a.)令人满意的

  辨析:satisfaction也常用来指"赔偿"、"偿还",如:I expect some satisfaction for that loss.我希望对这一损失进行一定的索赔。

  用法:Reading books is one of her greatest satisfaction.读书是她最大的乐趣之一。

  表达:(1) to sb.'s satisfaction/ to the satisfaction of…使……满意地,到……满意的程度

  (2) It has not been demonstrated to my satisfaction.这个演示我不满意。

  (3) The amount of compensation has been arranged to the satisfaction of all concerned.赔偿额终于在所有有关人士都满意的情况下敲定了。

  (4) I can say with the greatest satisfaction that…我极为满意地说……

  (5) I take great satisfaction in recommending…我十分欣喜地推荐……

  (6) It will be a huge satisfaction to you to know that…你如果听到……一定会极为满意

  (7) Satisfaction guaranteed. (商家广告)保您满意。

  4.guidance: (n.)引导,指引,向导

  相关:guide n.向导,领路人a tour guide导游;a guide book旅行指南

  用法:under the guidance of /under sb's guidance在…的指导下;Under her father's guidance, she learned how to play piano.她在父亲的指导下学会了弹钢琴。We completed our project without the guidance of our teacher.我们在没有老师辅导的情况下完成了我们的研究项目。

  表达:(1) with proper guidance由于指导得当;the Devine guidance天助

  (2) to give (sb.) valuable guidance in…在……方面(为某人)提供有价值的指导

  (3) to seek guidance in the study of…在……研究方面要求指导

  5.quality: (n.)性质、特性、品质

  辨析:日常使用中常用"质量"一义:quality of life生活质量;quality control质量管理;Quality matters more than quantity.质量比数量重要。

  用法:(1) the refreshing quality of tea茶的提神特性

  (2) to cultivate these qualities--- generosity, hospitality, diligence, modesty, simplicity培养这些品质---慷慨、好客、勤奋、谦虚、朴实;

  (3) to have the quality of…具有……的素质;He has the qualities of horsemanship, dancing, and fencing.他有马术,舞蹈和击剑的素质。

  表达:to sacrifice qualities to quantity粗制滥造;The goods are of the best quality.这些物品质量上乘。

  (1)first- class quality一流的质量

  (2)average quality质量一般

  (3)bad quality质量低劣

  (4)fair quality相当不错的质量

  (5)good quality质量优良

  (6) quality time(美国人生活中特别看中的)全身心投入地陪自己喜欢的人或从事自己喜欢的事所花的时间。This time I promise we'll have quality time.这次我保证会全身心地陪你。

  6.sense: (n.)感官、感觉the senses = the five senses五官(sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell); the sixth sense直觉(第六感官能)

  用法:(1) a keen sense of beauty敏锐的美感

  (2) a poor sense of direction迟钝的方向感

  (3) a sense of duty责任感

  (4) a sense of guilt负疚感

  (5) a fine sense of humor极妙的幽默感

  (6) a sense of satisfaction满足感

  (7) a sense of time时间观念

  (8) a deep sense of gratitude深深的谢意

  (9) a high sense of honor崇高的荣誉感

  (10) a dull sense of justice正义感不强

  (11) a sense of shame羞耻感

  (12) a sense of urgency紧迫感


  表达:(1) It makes sense to…做……是明智的

  (2) This is common sense.这是常识。

  (3) Use your common sense.别想得太偏了。往常识上想。

  (4) This plan doesn't make any sense.这一计划一点儿道理也没有。

  (5) What he said made sense.他的话言之有理。

  (6) Can you make sense of this poem?你能弄懂这首诗在写什么吗?

  7.independent: (a.)独立的、自食其力的be independent of不受……支配的,独立于……之外的

  相关:independence (n.)独立Declaration of independence. (美国)《独立宣言》(1776年7月4日)。independently (adv.)独立地

  用法:You're thirty now. You should be independent of your parents.你现在三十了,你不应该再依赖父母了。

  表达:(1) to be emotionally independent of…对……保持情感方面的独立

  (2) to declare independence (from)宣布从…独立出来

  (3) to safeguard the national independence捍卫国家的独立

  (4) the economic independence of women女性的经济独立

  (5) Nowadays more and more youngsters seek to be economically independent.现在越来越多的年青人都寻求经济上的独立。

  8.behavior: (n.)行为举止

  相关:behave (v.)

  辨析:behavior指在别人面前展露出的举止,行为;conduct (n.)除与behavior同义外,还常指只为我们自己知道的行为、举止;manner(n.)指一个人短暂的举止,或对另外一个人的举止;Manners (n.)指一个人在众人面前的习惯性举止,礼貌

  用法:(1) behavior pattern行为模式It's hard to change an established pattern of behavior.积习难改。(2) rough (wild)behavior粗暴无礼的作法

  (3) one's shameful behavior一个人丢人现眼的行为

  (4) one's strange behavior一个人不可思议的作法

  表达:(1) well- behaved举止得体的

  (2) to put sb. on his best behavior劝告(警告)某人规矩点He was put on his best behavior.人们劝告他放检点一些。

  (3) to be on one's best behavior守规矩The new- come was on his best behavior.这个新来的人规规矩矩。

  (4) Behave yourself!注意行为举止!You should behave mannerly at table.吃饭的时候举止要得体。Nobody will want you if you behave like this.你的行为举止再这样的话,没人会要见你的。I'm disgusted at his ungentleman like behavior.我讨厌他一点绅士风度都没有的举止。

  9.conduct: (v.)行动,为人,指挥

  相关:conduct (n.)举止、行为常指只为我们自己知道的行为、举止

  to guide one's conduct by…principles在……原则指导下行事

  表达:(1) Who's conducting the symphony?谁指挥演奏这首交响乐?

  (2) The girl conducts herself wisely.这女孩儿为人十分明智。

  (3) He conducted himself nobly.他为人很清高。

  10.menu: (n.)菜单


  表达:(1) May I see the daily menu?请给我看一下日常的菜单。

  (2) I cansgroupsfrom the menu now.我现在可以点菜了。

  (3) Do you have Japanese menu?你们有日本菜的菜单吗?

  (4) Our menu consists of soup, meat, vegetables and dessert.本店菜单上有汤、肉类、蔬菜类和甜点。

  11.glossy: (a.)有光泽的,光滑的

  相关:gloss (n.)光泽,色泽

  用法:a glossy surface光滑的表面

  表达:a glossy advertisement (名不符实的)虚假广告

  12.rub: (v.)擦、磨、抹

  用法:(1) to rub with a stone用石头来磨

  (2) to rub lotion on chapped hands往皲裂的手上涂护肤油

  (3) to rub one's sore back用手按摩酸痛的背部

  表达:(1) rubbing alcohol (供涂抹用的)酒精

  (2) He rubbed his hands together.他互相搓着他的两只手。

  (3) My new shoe is rubbing my heel.我的新鞋磨得我脚后跟痛。

  (4) My shoe's rubbing.我的鞋磨脚。

  (5) The cat is rubbing against his leg.猫在他腿上蹭来蹭去。

  (6) Don't rub salt in the wound by telling me how enjoyable the party was.别借着告诉我聚会多有意义来有意气我。

  (7)Don't rub your superior the wrong way!别惹怒你的上司!

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