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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《王强口语》第一册 > Lesson Ten之抢答篇

Lesson Ten之抢答篇
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/04/16 13:36  新浪教育
  Read the following questions aloud, and then answer them as quickly as possible:

  1.What's the plural form of "it?"

  2.Which is not a preposition: in, under, across, where?

  3.Find the mistake in the sentence: "I received a M.B.A."

  4."You can trust him. He's as close as an oyster."What's the Chinese equivalent(意义相当的东西) to "as close as an oyster"?

  5.Find the mistake in the sentence: "Julius Caesar was assassinated(暗杀) 44 B.C."

  6. Which is the correct plural form of children: children's or childrens'?

  7.Use a prefix to make a one-word synonym of "not important."

  8.Correct this sentence: "He swims very good."

  9.Order from largest to smallest: man, apple, fly, elephant

  10.Give four things a dictionary can tell you about a word besides its spelling.

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