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Lesson Eleven之定义篇
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/04/18 13:59  新浪教育
  1.restaurant (n.)

  A restaurant is a placeswheresmeals are served to the public.

  2.traffic (n.)

  Traffic1 is the movement of vehicles2 and people along roads and streets, of ships on the

  seas, or of aircraft3 in the sky.

  3.read (v.)

  To read is to understand the meaning of written4 or printed5 words.

  4.watch (v.)

  To watch is to look or look at with care6 or attention7.

  5. wrong (adj.)

  Wrong means not correct or true.

  6.energetic (adj.)

  Energetic8 means full of energy or vigorous9.

  7.greatly (adv.)

  Greatly means to a great degree, or very much.

  8.fluently (adv. )

  Fluently means being able to speak a language easily and without many pauses.

  Exercise :

  Accurately define the following terms.

  1. toothpick (n.牙签):wood/ food/ teeth

  2. examination (n.考试):designed11 / knowledge / skills

  3. write (v.写):form12 / pen /pencil.

  4. drive (v.驾驶):motor vehicle/ car

  5. courageous (adj.有勇气的):quality/ danger/ difficulty/ bravely

  6. free (adj.自由的):

  7. forever (adv.永远地):all time /always

  8. anxiously (adv.忧虑地、焦急地):


  1.traffic: n.交通,(车、船、飞机)来往,(车、客等的)流量There's a lot of traffic on the road.路上车辆很多。

  用法:heavy/much traffic很多车流量slow/little traffic没什么车流量

  表达:drug traffic非法的毒品交易;to traffic in opium非法贩卖鸦片;traffic circle(十字路口的)环状交叉口;traffic cop交通警察;traffic lights交通指示灯、红绿灯;traffic regulation交通规则;traffic sign交通标志;traffic ticket交通违规的罚单

  Turn right (left) at the traffic lights.在红绿灯处向右(左)拐。I'm sorry for being late. I was stuck (caught) .in a terrible traffic jam.抱歉晚来了。我在路上堵车,堵得好厉害。We're trying to attract more tourist traffic to Beijing.我们正在努力吸引更多的游客来北京。We'd better remove the accident car as quickly as possible. It blocks the traffic.我们要尽快移走出事故的车,这车阻挡住了车流。


  用法:horse-drawn vehicles马车;motor vehicles机动车

  表达:Language is the vehicle of thought.语言是表达思想的工具。Air is the vehicle of sound.声音靠空气来传播。(交通标志牌)No thoroughfares for vehicles.各种车辆严禁通行。He uses the novel as a vehicle for the advocacy of his views.他通过小说来倡导他的观点。I would hate writers to use fiction as a vehicle of moral teaching.我不喜欢作家们把小说当成是道德说教的工具。

  3.aircraft: n.飞行器,飞机

  辨析:airplane只是aircraft中的一种,使用时注意aircraft单复数同形,如:We brought down six enemy aircraft.我方击落六架敌机。

  表达:aircraft carrier航空母舰;fighter aircraft(or plane)战斗机,歼击机;A ground radar station has tracked the overflights of Chinese territory by unidentified aircraft.一个地面雷达站已追踪到有不明国籍的飞机飞越中国的领空。

  4.written: a.书面的,成文的

  相关:write v.写;writer作家;writings著作;speak v.说;spoken a.口头的;

  辨析:"书面英语"应为written English ,不能说成writing English;正如"口头英语"spoken English不能说成"speaking English"一样

  用法:a written contract书面合同;a written exam笔试(an oral/verbal exam口试);a written message用笔写下的留言(a spoken message口信)

  表达:This is a letter written in French .这是一封用法文写的信。How can it be possible! It's written on my heart.这怎么会呢!它铭刻在我心里。She says so with hope still written upon her face.她说这番话时脸上依然流露出希望。(1) an inscription written with Chinese characters汉字撰写的碑文

  5.printed: a.印刷出来的

  相关:printing n.印刷the art of printing印刷术;print v.印,印刷,痕迹;

  表达:(1) finger prints指纹This book has long been out of print.这本书脱销(绝版)好久了。This book is still in print.这本书现在还在印刷(出版)。This anthology is beautifully printed and artistically bound.这部选集印刷精美,装帧典雅。Print your name and address here, please.请把你的名字地址一笔一划写在这儿(不要用手写体,用印刷体)。

  6.care: n.挂念,爱护;

  相关:care v.介意,相当于mind

  辨析:表示"挂念"、"注意"时,care常指向我们已拥有的东西。Riches bring many cares.人富了反有许多牵挂。

  用法:Take care.(道别时)再见。Take care! = watch out!当心!Take good care of yourself.你自己多保重。I don't care.我才不在乎呢。Who cares?管它呢!(指撤手不管)= I couldn't care less.我不在乎。我无所谓。=(俚语)I could care less. I could care less if I live or die.是死是活我管不了那么多。Take care that you don't spoil your new clothes.当心别把你的新衣服弄脏了。

  7.attention: n.注意、注意力、留心chief attention主要注意力

  辨析:"集中注意力"、"专心之致"常用concentrate一词,如:with deep concentration全神贯注地

  用法:Please pay close attention to the teacher.请注意听老师讲。(1) to attract widespread attention through out the country.引起全国人民的广泛关注(2) to become a center of attention成为人们注意力的中心(3) to distract public attention from…把公众的注意力从……引开(4) to draw attention to…把注意力吸引到……;(5) to hold the complete attention of the audience完全抓住了听众的注意力; The regrettable happening has recently occupied considerable public attention.这个令人遗憾的事件近来引起了公众的特别关注。May I have your attention, please.(宣布之前)请大家注意(听我讲)。I'd like to call your attention to the fact that…我想提请你注意这一事实……。The best-seller deserves wide attention.这部畅销书值得广泛的关注。Don't let your attention wander.别分散你的注意力。I'm sorry. I can't fix my attention.对不起,我的注意力集中不起来。

  8.energetic: a.精力旺盛的,活泼的

  相关:energy n.活力,干劲,能量be full of energy充满活力的

  用法:He's such an energetic boy!他可真是个活跃的孩子!She's very energetic at school.她在学校很活跃。

  9.vigorous: a.精力旺盛的,活泼的;

  用法:a vigorous personality生性活泼的人;a vigorous effort积极的努力

  * 10. remove: v. (从某处)移动,拿走

  相关:move:移动,搬家The newly married couple movedsintostheir new home.这对新婚夫妇搬进了他们的新家。He moved pieces of furnituresintosanother room.他把家具都搬进了另一间房。

  辨析:英语中表示"移动"、"拿走"、"搬"等意义的常用词还有:carry用于一个人的运动过程中;bear用于一个人运动或静止过程中;take用于把东西搬走;bring用于把东西搬来表达:They used to remove the garbage from outside the house once a week.他们以前每周一次把屋外垃圾运走。Soap will remove all the stains from your clothes.肥皂能去掉你衣服上的所有污迹。

  11.design: v.设计,立意要……

  相关:designer n.设计师;interior designer(室内装饰)设计师;the fashion designers of Paris巴黎的时装设计师;design n.设计a smart design独具匠心的设计

  用法:This building is designed on the model of the court.这一建筑是依照宫廷式样设计的。These books are primarily designed for the use of students taking examinations.这些主要是为那些应考的学生设计的。

  表达:His father designs him for a professional person in the sense of being a lawyer, a doctor, or a dentist.他爸想把他培养成一个有职业的人,比如作一名律师,医生或者牙医。

  12. form: (v.)形成,(编)排成,弄成……形状

  相关:form n.形式,样子form and content形式与内容

  用法:Clouds are forming quickly in the sky.云迅速在天上形成;We can form nouns from adjectives.我们可以把形容词构成名词。

  表达:Form a line here, please!请在这儿排起队来!

  *13. operate: v.操作,运转,动手术

  相关:operation n.行动,运转,手术;a military operation军事行动;a capital operation大手术;

  用法:(1) to operate a car开车This road operates six trains a day.这条线一天开六班火车。(2) to operate on a patient给病人动手术;(3) to operate a patient on the head给病人头部动手术

  表达:The airline service is to operate every day.这家航空公司每天都营业The surgeon successfully performed the difficult operation on the patient's heart.这名外科大夫成功地为病人的心脏动了难度极大的手术。I had my nose operated on.我的鼻子被动过手术。He was operated on for a tumor.他动过手术去除肿瘤。

  *14.courageous: a.勇敢的,英勇的

  相关:courageously adv.勇敢地;courage n.勇气,胆量

  用法:be courageous enough to…足有勇气做……;morally as well as physically courageous不仅肉体上表现出勇气,道德上同样表现出勇气

  *15.face: v.面对,面临

  相关:face n.脸to lose face丢脸;to save one's face保全面子;a crying face一张哭丧的脸;a fair face美貌;a pale face苍白的脸;a happy face高兴的脸;a kindly face和颜悦色;a bony face有骨感的脸;a lovely face可爱的脸;a narrow face窄窄的脸;a grave face表情严肃的脸;a round face圆圆的脸;an oval face鸭蛋脸;a plain face容貌平平; a proud face充满骄傲的脸;a sad face愁眉不展的脸;a smiling face微笑的脸;a wrinkled face布满皱纹的脸

  用法:(1)to face dilemma面对两难境地(2)to face a challenge面对挑战

  表达:Let's talk about this face-to-face. I don't like talking over the telephone.咱们还是当面谈吧。我不喜欢在电话上讲。

  I told you not to spend all your money. Now you've got to face the music.我对你说过别把钱都花掉。现在你得自己承担自己行为的后果了吧。

  The little boy made faces at me.那个小家伙冲我扮鬼脸。

  I'd like to reserve a room facing south.我想订个朝南的房间。

  Let's face the facts (realities) !咱们还是正视事实(现实)吧!

  You should face the challenge (difficulty) with courage.你应该勇敢地面对挑战(困难)。

  The main question that faces us at present is how to help people who were laid off.我们眼下面临的主要问题是如何帮助那些下岗人员。

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