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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/04/18 15:39  新浪教育

  Powell rejects advice to resign over Iraq war

  US Secretary of State Colin Powell dismissed a widely-publicized suggestion that he resign from President George W. Bush 's administration over the war in Iraq.美国国务卿鲍威尔驳斥了近日一传播广泛的建议--由于伊拉克战争,应向布什政府辞职。

  Powell, who is seen as the most moderate member of the Bush cabinet and the lone liberal among a stable of social conservatives, said he fully agreed with the president's policy on Iraq and had no plans to leave.


  "Personally, I'm very much in sync with the president and he values my services," he said in an interview with National Public Radio.


  "I also have to take note of the fact if you would consult any recent Gallup poll, the American people seem to be quite satisfied with the job I'm doing as secretary of state," Powell said.


  Asked whether he planned to stay in the Bush administration, Powell replied: "Oh, absolutely."


  On last Saturday, Bill Keller, a prominent commentator for the influential New York Times, suggested in a widely-reprinted column that the secretary should quit because the war against Iraq was "a failure of Colin Powell's politics."

  上周六,颇有影响的纽约时报著名记者Bill Keller,新开了一个专栏,建议国务卿应该从布什政府中辞职,因为针对伊拉克的战争其实就是鲍威尔外交政策的失败。

  "The most important reason the secretary of state should go is that the president has chosen a course that repudiates much of what Mr Powell has stood for -- notably his deep suspicion of arrogant idealism," Keller wrote in the piece entitled "Why Colin Powell Should Go."


  The column was notable because Keller, who has written positively of Powell in the past, said he continued to have the utmost respect for the secretary but felt that the Bush administration was undeserving of his services.


  In a conversation with reporters outside the white house on Tuesday, Powell confirmed he had met with Keller but said he had not spoken to him since the column appeared.


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